TPPC Board Meeting – August 23, 2020
Present: Knowlton, Howard, Dwyer, Crane
Knowlton reported on several items:
--the Board had toured the PARC site with a TP Board member and had been updated on progress on the pickleball courts. She noted that they should be visiting the site again soon. --an updated Committee list had been sent to members and several additional changes would be needed such as back-up committee leaders.
--information about the TPPC needed to be sent to Timber Pines Ambassadors who show perspective residents throughout Timber Pines.
The Board expressed condolences to former member Al Berger on the passing of his wife and that a card would be sent from the Club to Al and his family.
Late Summer/Early Fall TPPC Schedule
Crane commented that the TPPS schedule for Fall to begin on August 31 had been sent out in the August 21 Friday “Fix.” The new schedule includes new events, (Orientation/Lessons and evening events ABCD, Men’s and Ladies’ Day). Knowlton presented an easy-to-read, color-coded schedule also to be sent to members.
Knowlton emphasized ways the new schedule is designed to help new members learn to play and meet TPPC members. She commented on changing novice/beginners from Court 4 to Court 6 from 12noon to 8pm. She noted too the need for mentors to ask new players if they wanted/ needed help.
In summary, Asbel is in charge of lessons, Men’s/Ladies’ Days; Howard will coordinate Monday evening ABCD, and Rooks will continue with Wednesday ABCD.**
Den Changes
Dwyer stated the Den renewal fee ($2/member) is due by December 31, 2020. The Board discussed some issues with Den, including renewal timeline and communication issues. Board members agreed to check on other possible communication systems including Jonas.
Timber Pines Jonas System Discussion
Knowlton reported that she and Dwyer would be meeting with Paul Smith and Patti Yost on August 26 to review whether the current Jonas system could meet the computer needs of the TPPC. Other possible systems will also be reviewed.
2021 Club Renewal Procedure
Because Den membership must be paid by December 31, 2020, it was decided to begin TPPC membership renewal on November 1, 2020. Crane will send information on renewal procedures to all members by October 15, including a cutoff date prior to 12/31/20 for 2021 dues payment. If the Lodge is not open, renewal tables could be set up at the Courts. Any new members after November 1 would be for 2021. All members who have not renewed their membership for 2021 by December 31, 2020, will be removed from the TPPC membership lists (Dwyer, Crane). Their names will also be removed from the TPPC website. Any non-returning member with dues paid will stay in Den and on our lists.
Discussion ensued on current members and how the Club should deal with those who want to remain members but are not returning by Dec 31, 2020 due to COVID-19. Knowlton moved, seconded by Dwyer, that non-returning members have their memberships extended for 2021 and their Den membership of $2 paid by TPPC to the Den. The motion passed unanimously. Crane will notify members via the Den of the 2021 renewal procedure in the last week in October, 2020.
Revised TPPC By-laws
The current TPPC By-laws were reviewed and revised this Summer. Acceptance of the revised by-laws will be voted on at a TPPC general meeting to be held on December 2, 2020 at 4pm on the Lodge Porch if it is open at that time. Crane will send two notices at least 30 days before the December meeting to all members with a copy of the proposed revised By-laws.
Other Items Discussed
--The status of tournaments will be reviewed later this year when Timber Pines provides guidelines. This also includes the status of the Clinic to be held in January, 2021.
--The Board agreed to set up a send off for long-time TPPC player Jack Walters with “Jack’s Night” at the Wednesday night ABCD event to include refreshments and a TPPC 10th
Anniversary TPPC shirt.
--Howard and Rooks would be meeting with Yost on Club equipment needs from Timber Pines: several paddles for non-Club members and replacement court squeegees.
Future Discussion
The Board identified issues needing discussion at a future meeting.
--Discussion of what is needed to be done before the new courts open (e.g., communication with Yost and how time on the courts is apportioned for Club and/or Timber Pines residents or non- Club members)
--Further discussion on a formal process on Club donations, as well as running tournaments as charity tournaments.
--Grand opening for new courts
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
The December meeting is only to vote on accepting the new by-laws. If passed the new by-laws will be in place for the Annual members meeting in March. We need to verify we all have the current proposed by-laws, I think a minor change was made by me after you sent the last copy of the proposed by-laws to everyone.
12/30/2020 is the date that all paid members must be in Den. I just send Bob Y an email to clarify the time on 12/30/2020 that members must be shown as paid. Also to clarify the date and time that unpaid members will be removed from Den. We will need to set a cutoff date prior to 12/30/2020, time TBD, for 2021 dues payment
Any non-returning member with dues paid will stay in Den and on our lists. We should plan on identifying those members on our lists