
Board of Directors Minutes October 30, 2020

Present: Knowlton, Howard, Dwyer, Crane, Asbel President Knowlton called the meeting to order.

Minutes: Minutes of the October 23 meeting were approved as corrected. Treasurer: Dwyer reported that there are now 577 TPPC members.

Old Business

Mentors. Howard reported that she had contacted all members who had indicated an interest in serving as mentors for novice players to get days/times they would be available to help. She stated that she still needs responses before setting up a meeting.

Tournaments/Clinic. Asbel asked about the status of the November tournaments. It was decided to wait to see what COVID restrictions would be. He also noted that it is necessary to assess interest in the Lucy Kitcher Clinic in January. Kitcher is scheduled for three (3) sessions for a total of 24 players in each session.

TP Channel 732. Bowe had written text to put on the TP Channel 732 on renewals. Yost and Paul Smith, IT, informed her that Channel 732 was no longer working for announcements. The TP Board meetings were still being televised.

Items for New Courts. Knowlton stated that she had met with Yost and the new manager Kevin Sibbring at the Lodge Courts to discuss accessories needed for the new courts and showed them the current state of equipment at the Lodge Courts.

She indicated that the Club had requested to reserve Saturday nights at the Pavilion for the TPPC weekly cookout, possibly the Bash and annual meeting and during tournament play. Knowlton noted that she had sent a list of items that would be needed at the new courts. She said Club members would provide the BOD with names of vendors and specifications for some items.

New Business

Social Pickleball-Golf Event. Asbel suggested a possible November pickleball/golf social event similar to one held a couple of years ago. It would be held at the Highlands Course. Other games were also suggested, such as horseshoes, cornhole and also having snacks. He said Yost would need to be contacted to reserve the Course.

Knowlton displayed different small giveaway samples created by Barb Rooks for the new court opening celebration.

New Courts Opening Ceremony/Celebration. Knowlton mentioned some of the possible activities for the opening: short speech with brief history of pickleball in Timber Pines, ribbon cutting, opening game with early pickleball members and food (e.g., hotdogs, chips, cookies, draft beer).

With no further business Howard moved, seconded by Dwyer, to adjourn the meeting.

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