
TPPC Board of Directors Meeting March 29, 2020. 10am

The meeting was called to order at 10 am on Sunday, March 29 by President Knowlton. Present: Marie Knowlton, Deb Howard, Dave Dwyer, Bev Crane, Tom Asbel

Treasurer Report. Dave distributed and reviewed the TPPC financial statement and profit/loss report as of 3/29/20. This report included all expenses and income from the Member/Open Tournament. He noted that income from this tournament included entry fees, raffle 50/50, food sales and sponsor contribution. Some of the income was planned as a donation to the Dawn Center. Dave plans to contact the Center to set up a convenient time for the check presentation ceremony and photograph with representatives from the Center and the TPPC once the COVID- 19 restrictions are lifted.

Other financial items. Once banking restrictions are lifted, Dave needs to get the debit cards issued to Howard and Knowlton and supply as needed to those running events. He asked Tom Asbel to work with him to put together a procedure and paperwork needed to run a pickleball tournament. He noted that Committee Leaders would need to list all revenue and expense receipts on a form with any revenue and provide to the Treasurer. He added that the tournament account and the TPPC accounts should all be one and that receipts and revenue be given to the Treasurer along with who paid and who needed to be reimbursed. He stated that any purchase needs a receipt.

Secretary/Communications Report. Bev reported that the article written by Lynn Thompson, founding member and first president of the TPPC, on “The Beginnings of the Timber Pines Pickleball Club” was now on the TPPC website and would appear as the Pickleball Club entry in the TP May Bulletin. This is one way to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the start of the Pickleball Club in Timber Pines. Discussion also occurred on other ways to celebrate 10 years of pickleball during this year. Bev noted that with the courts closed it was important to keep in contact with members so that each week an email to Club members with a “Pickleball Fix” would go out to include any new information about pickleball in TP, update on the PARC, and tips/links about pickleball. She has asked members to share pickleball stories, pictures, play tips, and ways other clubs are handling the COVID-19 shutdowns. Tom Asbel said he would send some links and stories as well.

Equipment. Marie stated that she had arranged with Don Rooks to contact Patti Yost, copied to the BOD, about the TPPC need for new equipment, including at least two (2) new nets. She reported that once the courts reopened, Rooks, who is in charge of equipment, would be placing five (5) balls on each court and checking numbers each day. Other equipment needs included some back-up paddles for non-Club players and storage bins.

Learning. Deb Howard noted that she wanted to have trained helpers as back-up for shootouts, round robins and other play events. She noted that Patty Rocheleau would be working on a lesson plan so that in the Fall the techniques, skills, etc. taught were uniform for new players. She added that a goal would be to have mentors who would help new players during the week and had qualified volunteers who had signed up to participate. She noted Rooks was willing to coach drills each morning and work with players on the ball machine. She added that drills would continue but that there needs to be division between novice, intermediate, and advanced drilling. Marie said she had asked Kevin Lemon for some help in this area.

PARC update. Leader Asbel indicated that there did not seem to be any work at the PARC and that the TP BOD meeting for final vote on the amenities at the PARC was scheduled in April. He suggested TPPC board members look at Pickleplex in Punta Gorda for some ideas on court colors.

Website. Marie commented that Steve Fortin, webmaster, had been putting up a lot of new information and that if sometimes clicking on entries showed scrambled text it was because the site had not totally updated. Bev noted that the page with TPPC minutes was only showing the first page and an error message and would contact Steve. A brief discussion on the Roster page concluded that removing emails/phone numbers was a good privacy move and discussed ways that Club members could access this information in some other way (e.g., password). Fortin would be asked to look into how to solve this issue.

Workshops provided by outside instructors. Asbel asked what was planned for outside training workshops for members in the coming year. Marie said she would like four (4): Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. He also asked if the Club had thought about the possibility of underwriting some of the cost of such workshops for members. The group discussed what instructional resources the Club had (e.g., books, videos), and Marie suggested that a pickleball section be put in the TP library.

Other items. Marie said she had received seven (7) pickeball club t-shirts from Paul Slay. She thought about a possible drawing on the day the courts reopen.

A discussion commenced on having a past president, titled President Emeritus, who would attend meetings and receive BOD correspondence. Dwyer moved, seconded by Howard, that Tom Asbel as most recent past president be named President Emeritus. Crane indicated that other Clubs did this for newly retired Presidents. The motion passed unanimously.

Marie would let Asbel know of this status change.

The next meeting to discuss the Summer-Fall schedule was set for Thursday, April 2 at 4pm.

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