
2020 TPPC Annual Meeting March 4, 2020


Lodge Oak Room


  1. Introduction of PB Board/Welcome New 2020 Members/Renewal Members
  2. President’s Opening Remarks
  3. Approval of 2019-2020 Annual Meeting Minutes
  4. Club Accomplishments 2019/2020
  5. Tournaments
  6. Social
  7. Community Donations
  8. PB Improvements
  9. Club Overview
  10. Update on new Pickleball Courts
  11. TPPC Website
  12. Pickleball Den
  13. Cookouts
  14. March Bash
  15. Need for Volunteers (Chairpersons: Helen/Cathi)
  16. Treasurer’s Report
  17. Membership
  18. Operating
  19. Social
  20. Other Business
  21. Elections - 2020-2021 Board Directors (Vice-President Duty)
    1. Resolution Approving Results of Election
  22. Questions by Members
  23. Closure of Meeting
