
TPPC Officers’ Meeting Minutes April 26, 2020

Present: Knowlton, Howard, Dwyer, Crane

The Board of Officers’ Special Meeting was called by Knowlton to review the PARC meeting and Club activities since the last meeting on March 29.

By-laws. Dwyer reported that the By-laws had been revised and final review completed by all By-laws Committee members (Dwyer, Thompson, Knowlton, Crane). One question by Howard was how the By-laws dealt with Director vacancies that occurred between Annual Board meetings. It was agreed that the position would remain unfilled until the next Annual Meeting when Directors are elected.

Discussion ensued on when to hold a meeting to approve the new By-laws. It was agreed that President Knowlton would call a special meeting for Wednesday, December 2 to adopt the TPPC By-laws as written as many members would have returned to Timber Pines by then. Crane would send out an announcement with a copy of the revised By-laws by November 2, one month in advance of the meeting as required. This would provide opportunity to review changes, such as the proposed move from four (4) Officers to seven (7) Directors, and if there were other changes they could be reviewed prior to the December meeting.

PARC Meeting. Dwyer reported on the TPPC/TP meeting with Welch to review final plans for the pickleball site at the PARC. Knowlton had written a recap of the meeting which was sent out to all members in the Friday “Fix” newsletter on April 24. Dwyer noted that the court lighting had been reduced from the original plan requirements. Dwyer had sent a letter to Nordman to question this. Welch was also to get price quotes on different fence heights between courts. Knowlton showed a photo of other courts with the colors chosen by the TPPC for our new courts. All at the meeting agreed on the choice.

Reopening Lodge Courts. To try to get the pickleball courts reopened, Knowlton read a list of

25 items that demonstrated how the TPPC would create a safe environment for play on the

courts. She was sending this list to the COVID-19 Task Force that was to meet on Monday, April 27.

Summer Schedule. Howard reported that she had sent a summer schedule for the Lodge Courts to Patti Yost, who had supplied a first draft. Howard will send a revision to Yost to finalize a summer schedule that will go into effect when the courts reopen.

Howard also noted that June 1 was the day to reserve the Lodge for Bash, TPPC Annual Meeting and December By-laws meeting. Knowlton asked that the Annual Meeting be scheduled after the Bash and any March tournaments so that newly elected Directors would start the new-year Club planning process.

Instruction. Howard reported that she had met with Rocheleaus before their return home about Fall instructional activities. Some ideas discussed included lessons, drills, using mentors at open play as a next step after instruction. Dwyer mentioned possibly forming leagues at different levels (novice, intermediate, advanced) as follow-up competitive play. These ideas would be followed up in the Fall schedule.**

Tournaments. Asbel had sent a tentative Fall-Winter tournament schedule for discussion and review. Knowlton noted that earlier a 2020 tournament after the snowbirds return had been discussed. She stated that the Tennis Fall tournament would take place from November 16-21 with Thanksgiving following. It was suggested that perhaps a two-day tournament with a Donny format would be a way to gather returning and full-time players together in a fun event. More discussion with Asbel/Rooks needed.

Other tentative tournaments and dates for Winter tournaments were also reviewed, noting too that non-Club Court dates would need to be approved by Yost if the new pickleball courts were not completed by that time

Other Business

--Howard reported that a committee to discuss and plan a Ladies outing in the Winter had worked on different possible ideas. With the current COVID-19 issues providing such uncertainty, the Committee felt that this idea needed to be tabled for now.

--Howard also said the Committee had discussed bringing in a professional pickleball instructor as had been done this year with Coach Mo. Lucy Kitcher had been contacted about the possibility of offering 1-2 day clinics open to men/women to take the place of the cruise and feature the new courts. Kitcher will be contacted about this possibility and cost.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned.

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