
TPPC Minutes – June 2, 2020

Present: Knowlton, Dwyer, Howard, Crane

Den membership payment. Bob Yacobucci requested a phone meeting with the TPPC Board to discuss the appropriate way for the TPPC to pay its yearly dues to the Den. Yacobucci suggested having each member be billed for the annual Den membership of $2.00/yr starting in 2021. The second half of 2020 starting on June 15-December 31, 2020 would also be billed to members for $1.00. The TPPC Board did not agree with this method but was in agreement that the TPPC would write a check to the Den for the entire Den fee based on $2/member for the yearly membership. TPPC members would continue to renew their memberships for 2021 starting in December until the end of January, 2021. Dwyer, the TPPC treasurer, would send a check to the Den at the end of January, 2021, for the number of members who had renewed their membership for 2021 and for all new members who had signed starting on November 15, 2020. Yacobucci noted that smaller clubs preferred that individual members pay their own membership fee to the Den. However, the TPPC Board agreed that this was not a way our Club would like to handle Den payment. Yacobucci agreed that this would work for our Club.

Room reservations. Howard reported that on June 1, she had reserved the main Lodge Room and Porch for the TPPC Bash for March 13 (1st choice) or March 21 (2nd choice). She noted that

because only one reservation was allowed per person, she had reserved the Oak Room for a TPPC general meeting for 4:00pm on Dec 3 or 4 depending on availability and March 31, 30, or 29 (1st, 2nd, 3rd choices) for the TPPC Annual Meeting later in the day.

Instructional Clinics. Howard stated she had been working on instructional clinics to be held in January 2021. Initial discussions had been held with Lucy Kitcher, possible instructor for the instructional clinics, and that Kitcher was available on January 25, 26 for three clinics to be held in Timber Pines on the new pickleball courts that were to be completed at the end of December. Depending on interest, two (2) clinics would be held on Jan. 25 and one (1) on Jan 26 with the possibility of a King of the Hill session at no charge in the afternoon of the 26th. Details

included her fee at $30/person, limit of 24 players for at least 3 clinics with two instructors. If the courts had not been completed, clinics would be held on the Lodge Courts. Knowlton suggested that a cookout be held in the new PARC Pavilion the evening of the 25th. Howard noted that Barb Lacek would be contacting Kitcher to firm up details.

Court 4. Dwyer reported that S. Fortin would be extending the Den Sign-up Sheet dates starting on June 8. To encourage new players one of the four courts was to be titled Beginner/Novice – Court 4 to help some of the new players and the novice/beginner players. It was also suggested that more experienced players act as mentors on Court 4.

12 new courts. Both Knowlton and Dwyer wanted to initiate discussion on how to deal with scheduling for the 12 new courts, including the regular daily schedule and special events like shootouts, tournaments, clinics etc. This would be an ongoing discussion.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

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