
TPPC Officers Meeting Minutes September 13, 2020

Present: Howard, Dwyer, Crane

The meeting was called to order. Knowlton was out of town.

Old Business

Donations to charities by TPPC had been discussed at the August 30 meeting. Dwyer moved, seconded by Crane, to donate to the following charities for 2020.

$1500 - Salvation Army

$500 - St. Vincent DePaul

$500 - Botanical Gardens

$500 - Timber Pines Charity Walk

The motion passed 3-0 with Knowlton not present

Lodge Courts Schedule

The current Lodge Courts schedule was reviewed. Howard reported that she and Knowlton had sent the Fall Schedule to Yost for the Jonas system. Yost responded that she needed to check with tennis players before finalizing the rest of the 2020 schedule on Jonas.

Howard said she would contact Yost with the TPPC request that the current schedule remain in effect until the end of 2020. The schedule had tennis players on Court 1 from 7-11am daily. The TPPC scheduled Court 2 from 7am-8pm and Court 1 from 11am-8pm daily. Dwyer stressed that the TPPC needed an answer no later than September 30 so that the schedule could be communicated to TPPC Club members and the dates and times could be listed in the TPPC Den computer system so members could register for playing times.

New Business

PARC Update. The PARC pickleball courts are scheduled to be completed and ready for play by January 1, 2021. Dwyer emphasized the importance of completing a schedule for the new courts to begin on January 1.

Schedule. Howard stated that Yost had requested the TPPC provide a schedule to be placed on Jonas by October 1. Dwyer showed a tentative daily block schedule for the 12 courts that could be presented to Yost. The schedule included daily TPPC hours for Courts 1-10 and daily non- Club hours for Courts 11, 12. The Board members reviewed the schedule and sent a copy to Knowlton for her review. Dwyer also listed a tentative schedule for upcoming tournaments starting in November through March. He also presented a tentative schedule with more specific events for Courts 1-10 Club hours and 11,12 non-Club hours.

The Board discussed both schedules agreeing that the general schedule was ready for Yost upon approval by Knowlton. It was noted that the schedule of more specific events would be reviewed by the Events Committee.

With no further business the meeting was adjourned.**

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