TPPC Board Meeting Minutes – January 15, 2021
The meeting was called to order by President Knowlton. The agenda for the meeting was to discuss final details for the Lucy Kitcher Clinic to be held on Monday and Tuesday, January 25, 26.
The following items were discussed about the Kitcher Clinic:
--Registration for Tues. Jan 26 was minimal. It was decided to leave registration open until just before the Clinic in the hopes of obtaining more registrations. If there were not enough sign-ups, the Tues. session would be cancelled and fees returned to those who had signed up.
--Due to COVID restrictions, the social gathering scheduled for the evening of January 25 is cancelled.
--Volunteer chairs would solicit helpers for set-up and registration tables.
--D Rooks will bring water/ice in coolers.
--B Rooks will complete tumblers as gifts for instructors.
--Pierce will create paddle name tags with P. Asbel writing registrant names on them.
--Howard and P. Asbel would supply lunch for instructors/Board members between sessions on Monday.
--Knowlton would bring PA system.
--It was emphasized to wear masks at registration tables and have extras available at Clinic, if needed.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.