
BOD Meeting Minutes February 20, 2021 10:30am

Knowlton called the meeting to order at 10:30am. The minutes of the January 31, 2021 BOD meeting were approved as written.

Secretary’s Report. Crane stated that a notice for the Club Annual Meeting scheduled for March 31 needed to be sent to members no later than March 1. Minutes for the 2021 Annual Meeting and Agenda for the 2022 meeting needed to accompany the notice.

Crane reported on the number of new members, for example, 22 new and 3 renewals in the past week. She commented on several membership problems:

--new members that do not have emails and husbands/wives who want to share emails. --members having problems setting up their accounts with passwords on Den.

Treasurer’s Report. Dwyer presented the following:

--Kohlberg had completed the 2020 Club Audit Report with the suggestion that specific forms with accompanying receipts would enable better tracking in five (5) areas: membership dues, tournaments, PB Bash, concession (food sales), and cookouts.

--Dwyer proposed procedures and distributed forms to be used for proper tracking of revenue in these areas.

Membership – Current Club membership is 613 paid members (609 current and 4 resigned). At the end of 2020, there were 574 paid members.

--Dwyer reported that member Bob Powers now has viewing privileges to the Den, banking information, and the ability to run reports.

Annual Meeting

The following items were discussed related to the TPPC Annual Meeting on March 31.

--Due to COVID, it was decided to hold the meeting at the Lodge Courts on the parking lot side at 1pm followed by a meeting of the seven (7) Directors elected at the meeting. A discussion of the role of the Nominating Committee followed with Robert’s Rules of Order being the guide. --It was suggested that the Nominating Committee contact all those running to make sure of their desire to serve and also the number of years they planned to run for (1, 2, or 3). The Committee would create a slate of nominees. Also at the Annual Meeting if they agreed to serve, members in good standing could also nominate themselves or be nominated by others.

--A slate of nominees will be posted one week before the election on March 31 and be presented at the Meeting.

--A tentative agenda for the Annual Meeting was reviewed.

--40 members in attendance at the meeting constitutes a quorum.

Several decisions still need to be made. 1) Is the Nominating Committee responsible for nominating Directors at the Annual Meeting or the Vice-President? 2) Who will run the election and how will balloting occur, a show of hands or paper ballots if more than 7 nominees? 3) If paper ballots are used, who will create them and how will counting occur?

Knowlton stated that the Bash would need to be cancelled this year due to COVID and in its place it was suggested that the annual meeting and a social gathering be combined on Wednesday night March 31. Food could be served between Donny's Social 3pm and 5pm ABCD sessions with the Club supplying food and drinks. Volunteer Committee Chairs would solicit helpers as needed.

Other Business

--Guest sign up. It was suggested that members be allowed to sign up visiting guests to play pickleball for non-___ events. Members will add guest names on Den to the same court on which they are playing. Fortin will activate the sign-up guest feature on Den and the Comment line on Den will not be used for sign-up. During non-Club hours, guests may sign up on Jonas.

--Den managers. No additional members will be added as managers with Den rights at this time. --Pool parking. Club members were asked to leave poolside parking spaces available for those using the pool.

--Barb Rooks is completing new Court numbering signs to be placed on the gate doors to each court at the PARC.

--Skinny Singles. Trappenburg will work with Asbel and Fortin to organize a new Skinny Singles Intermediate event to take place on Wednesday from 9-11am.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:20pm.

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