Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 28, 2021
President Knowlton called the Board of Directors’ meeting to order on Sunday, February 28, at 10:30 am.
Members present: Knowlton, Howard, Dwyer, Crane, Steve Fortin
Minutes of the January 31 meeting were approved unanimously as distributed.
Fortin reported on the following topics:
--Handling Guest sign-up on Den. The Guest option will not be activated on events such as Shootouts, Round Robins, and lessons/drills. The Sign-up Guests option will be activated and members can sign up guests for Open Play, ABCD, Paddle Up events
--Number of Den subscriptions still banked for 2021.There are still subscriptions already paid for 2021 and it was determined that no more were needed at this time.
--It was decided that Den tournament software was not needed.
--Website has been updated with Friday Fix articles, Board minutes.
Fortin and the Board discussed the issue of those members who did not have emails. Members would be encouraged to submit an email; however, members without emails would not be added to Den. Although they then could not sign up for events on Den nor receive correspondence from the Club, members with emails could sign up a current member as a guest for events on Den. When the Club sets up new accounts, a common password will be used to eliminate problems new members sometimes encounter when setting up their own accounts on Den.
Annual Members’ Meeting
The Board agreed that the Annual Members’ Meeting would be held at the Lodge Courts on the parking lot side at 1pm on Wednesday, March 31. The newly elected Directors would meet following the Annual Members ’Meeting and elect Club Officers.
--The Nominations Committee will contact all those running for office to make sure they still plan to run and the number of years they plan to run for. The Committee will create a slate of candidates to be sent out on March 24.
--Volunteer Committee Chairs will ask for volunteers to help at the annual meeting and the social between Donny’s 3pm and 5pm events. At least 3-4 volunteers will be needed to count the election votes so the results can be announced.
--Thayer, Chair of the Nominations Committee, will direct the election at the Annual Meeting, including asking for other Director nominations from the floor. A paper ballot vote will be used since there will be more than seven candidates for the seven Board positions.
--The annual Bash has been cancelled this year due to COVID restrictions. A social between Donny’s two events will include food, paid for by the Club. Gino D’Ambrosio will be asked to organize food for the occasion to include hotdogs or sandwiches, chips, dessert, drinks. --Knowlton suggested having the new TP manager and President Murphy attend the meeting and provide an update on the PARC.
Officers’ Reports
Crane reported:
--An email announcing the Annual Meeting will be sent to all members on March 1 to include a notice of the meeting, the Agenda, and minutes of the March 2020 Annual Members’ meeting. --A follow-up email with a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors for 2022 will be sent to members on March 24.
--Members will sign in at the meeting and receive a ballot to vote for Directors.
Dwyer reported:
--The Club 2020 audit report was completed by Kohlberg, reviewed and will be placed on the website.
--Bob Powers as Treasurer helper now has access to Den and banking information. --Proposed forms and procedures for collection of revenue for membership dues, tournaments, cookouts, and other revenue producers were distributed.
--Treasurer’s report was submitted.
Knowlton reported on the following:
--The Board agreed that no additional Den managers with Den rights were needed.
--Timber Pines asked that parking spaces be left near the poolside of the courts for those who needed extra help.
--Barb Rooks completed Court numbering signs for the new courts to be placed on doors to each court.
--Mike Rocheleau will provide rating during the month of March for a fee. Those who are interested will contact Rocheleau directly with no Den sign-up.
--Knowlton will create a form for Board review with guidelines for use when special events are requested (e.g., paid lessons, rating).
--Because the Sunday ABCD event is not well attended, a substitute Paddle Up event will start on Sun. Mar 7.
--An additional Skinny Singles event for Intermediate level players, organized by Trappenburg, will start on Mar 7. Trappenburg and Fortin will work together on time, date, and Den announcement.
Howard reported:
-She would be working on organizing the food portion of the March 31 social and duties where volunteers are needed.
The Board agreed to meet weekly during March, the next meeting at 10:30am on Sun. Mar 7.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:20pm.