TPPC Board of Directors Meeting – March 7, 2021
Members present: Knowlton, Howard, Dwyer, Crane
The minutes of the February 28 meeting were approved as distributed.
Preparation for TPPC Annual Members’ Meeting on March 31
--The Board agreed to have the meeting on the Lodge courts and have members bring chairs and pencils for voting.
--Members should come at 12:30pm to sign in at two tables and receive their ballots. S. Fortin will set aside Den time for the meeting from 1-3pm. Masks should be worn and wipes and hand sanitizer will be available at the sign-in tables.
--Howard will work with Volunteer Committee Chair Helen on volunteers to help at the meeting. --A quorum will be determined from the sign-in sheet.
--Mike Murphy and Kevin Sibbring have agreed to speak at the meeting.
-- Discussion occurred on a possible rain date. Dwyer will contact Yost regarding using the Lodge Porch/Main Room or the PAC. A confirmed location will be announced in the March 24 letter to all members.
--The meeting will proceed with other Agenda items while the vote is being counted. Thayer/Dale Paronto will collect ballots and vote will be closed.
Voting for Directors
It was suggested that the vote for Directors be taken early in the meeting so votes could be counted and results given before the end of the meeting.
Discussion on the ballot followed. The Board agreed:
--Names on the ballot would be in alphabetical order and winners would be decided by a paper ballot with a plurality vote. Nominees from the floor would be added under the alphabetical list of candidates.
--Terms for Directors (e.g., 3, 2, 1 year(s)) would be determined in the Annual Board of Directors’ Meeting to take place at the conclusion of the Members Annual Meeting.
--Thayer, Chair of the Nominations Committee, will explain how the vote for Directors will take place, including any nominations from the floor.
Thayer/Bowe and volunteer(s) Dale Paronto will collect ballots and voting will be closed. They will count votes and Thayer will announce the results of the vote during the meeting.
--The meeting will proceed with other Agenda items while the vote is being counted.
--Dwyer demonstrated a computer program he had created that would aid in keeping track of the vote count. The Board decided to use both computer and paper to verify the vote.
Annual Meeting Party
The Annual Meeting party will take place between Donny’s Social ABCD events at 3 and 5pm. --Board members and wives have been invited to the Annual Meeting party and Gregersen said he planned to attend.
--Barb Rooks will buy food (e.g., hotdogs/buns, chips, cookies), paper products, water, beer, ice and margaritas. Propane will be checked and Barb will cook hotdogs. B. Rooks will use a Club credit card for the food and provide receipts for supplies bought.
--It was suggested that there be raffles at the party that might include T-shirts, name tags, mugs as prizes.
Other Business
--It was suggested that the Annual Bash usually held in March be moved to Nov/Dec when snowbirds return in the hope that COVID restrictions will be relaxed by then.
--It was reported that an engineering glitch and the need for a reengineering of the PARC parking area would soon be resolved so the parking area by the new Courts could be completed.
--Dwyer noted that 2020 Club donations had been $6000 in 2020 and budgeted $3000 for 2021. --Crane/Dwyer reported that new member accounts were now being set up with passwords and new member letters now contain the changes and a how-to on signing up for Den events. --Howard noted that sign-up for the Lucy Kitcher getaway for Jan 31-Feb 4, 2022, was progressing.
The meeting adjourned at 12:20pm.