TPPC Board Meeting Minutes - December 21, 2021
Present: Knowlton, Howard, Dwyer, Crane, Asbel, Rooks, Ellingson
President Knowlton called the meeting to order at 1pm. Knowlton reported that Bruce Eisenhard had created the new TPPC website available at The former website is currently still available. Any questions can be emailed to Webmaster Eisenhard. Hunter suggested that “Timber Pines Den” be stated on the log-on to differentiate the TP Den on our website from the Den website.
Old Business --MJS Update. Ellingson reported that enough members have volunteered to help at the MJS Tournament. Registration will be at 8:30am, followed by D. Howard’s short invocation with games to follow. Asbel noted that two practice sessions will be held on Tues & Thurs before the tournament to familiarize players who signed up with the different skill games they would be playing. Another notice will be sent to those who have signed up. --New Year’s Eve Cookout. Chairs Bowe and Toof stated 59 had already signed up. Sign-up deadline is Dec 26. Bowe is in charge of games and P. Asbel will handle decorations. No music will be allowed after 10pm. --January Schedule. Knowlton suggested that All Levels be listed in Open Play events instead of specific skill levels (ABCD). Rooks noted that Open Play sign-up on the Den was available until the end time of an event. --2021 Donations. Dwyer reported that remaining donations to Salvation Army ($1000) and Kathi’s K9, First United Church Food Pantry ($500 each) had been approved by all Board members via emails. --TPPC Election Committee. Howard stated that Pat Thayer, Chair of the TPPC Board Election Nominations Committee for 2021, had agreed to chair the Committee for 2022 elections. --2022 Tournaments. Asbel stated that dates for tournaments in January, February and March would be sent out after Christmas. --Cookouts. Due to holidays no regular cookouts will be held on Dec. 25 and Jan. 1. The New Year’s Eve Cookout Party will be held at the PARC on Dec. 31.
New Business --BASH Dinner/Dance. Tickets for the Mar 11 BASH will be sold in January at the Lodge. Members can buy no more than 2 tickets for members only due to space restrictions. Bob Dalley had volunteered to get donations for the BASH. --TP Candidates. Asbel asked that TP candidates be invited to a Cookout to provide information about themselves to TPPC members prior to the TP upcoming election. The Board agreed and Knowlton will invite the candidates. --PARC Parking Issues. At a meeting of the TP Parking Committee, Ohlenroth stated that options on parking at the PARC were being reviewed but that no decisions would be made until the Wellness Center opens. --Annual Meeting. The TPPC Annual Meeting is scheduled for the PAC on Mar 14.
Instruction Mel Kohlberg has submitted a piece on Serve Faults for Coach’s Corner. Click the PDF link below or view it on the TPPC website under News > Learning.
The meeting adjourned at 3:40pm.