annual meeting 2022

TPPC Annual Members’ Meeting Minutes - March 14, 2022

Members present: 120 signed in, creating a quorum Officers present: Knowlton, Dwyer, Crane, D. Rooks, Ellingson, Hunter Absent - Howard

Knowlton called the meeting to order at 1:05pm on March 14, 2022. She asked for proof of quorum. Sign-in sheets indicated a quorum was present for the March 14, 2022 meeting. A quorum allowed a vote for Club Directors.

Thayer, Chair of the Nominations Committee, reported that 120 members had signed in for the meeting to be able to vote for Directors. She distributed ballots to each member who completed them. Thayer asked if there were any nominations from the Floor. None being received voting was closed at 1:10pm and members of the Nomination Committee collected the ballots. Thayer thanked Committee members and they left the room to count the ballots.

Knowlton thanked the Nominations Committee for their work on nominations. She noted that a POP Up Cookout would be held after the meeting at the Pavilion. She also noted that Rich Ohlenroth would address the membership. She then introduced the Officers and thanked them for their work and ideas and also welcomed new and renewal members.

Director Reports Knowlton asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the March 31, 2021 Member meeting. Minutes were approved unanimously as distributed.

Secretary/Communications Report Crane reported on the Secretary/Communication Director’s responsibilities to keep Club members informed of both Club play and social events and issues before the Club. She described the communications from the Club: TPPC Fix e-newsletter distributed each Friday to all Club members, Club notices placed in the weekly TP Friday Flash and in the TP Bulletin each month. Several other communications included Welcome Letters to new members, announcements of special events (e.g., tournaments, cookouts, socials). She enumerated other communication vehicles: PARC Bulletin Board, the TPPC website and the Club email). She concluded indicating that these communications forwarded an important goal of the TPPC to keep all members up to date and establish comraderie among Club members.

Treasurer’s Report Knowlton asked for a motion to approve the 2021 Treasurer’s Report. The motion passed unanimously. Dwyer presented the Treasurer’s Report. He distributed copies of the income/expense report, noting the checkbook starting/ending balance. He stated Club membership was 952. He reported that Mel Kohlberg had performed the 2021 audit of the Club’s books as required by the By-laws. He thanked Bob and Karen Powers, who had assisted with treasurer’s duties including membership.

Vice-President’s Report The Vice-President’s Report was provided in brief by Ralph Holland for Howard.

President’s Report Knowlton reported on high points of activities and events of the Club in 2021 as follows: --She thanked several volunteers: Steve Fortin, webmaster for two (2) years, who created the current website. She also welcomed Bruce Eisenhard, a new TP resident, who had stepped into the role of webmaster, adding several new features. She also thanked the Club photographer Dave Harris for all the photos he has taken to provide a visual representation of Club activities and members. --She summarized special activities like the Ladies Pickleball Clinic, the New Year’s Eve celebration, the BASH, tournaments, and more. --She highlighted other events including initiation of TPPC ideas for the TP 40th Anniversary, reopening of the Saturday night cookouts with Chef Gino in charge, and an Employee Appreciation Luncheon. --She described the opening of the 12 new pickleball courts at the PARC, the excitement and trials associated in getting started especially scheduling. She concluded by reporting on the American Sports Builders Association award: Timber Pines Outdoor Pickleball Facility of the Year.

Conclusion of the Vote Thayer reported that all votes had been counted and two (2) new directors had been elected. Thayer stated that Sue Hunter and Karen Powers had been elected to the two open positions. Knowlton indicated the 7 directors would meet following the Members’ meeting. She also thanked Tom Asbel and Deb Howard for their dedicated services to the TPPC.

Knowlton introduced guest speaker TPCA Board President Rich Ohlenroth, who provided a short presentation and answered some questions from members.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:10p.

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