TPPC Board Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2022
Present: Rooks, Ellingson, Powers, Crane, Dwyer, Hunter, Knowlton Rooks, the new president, called the meeting to order at 3pm. Attending guests were introduced: D. Myers, Holland, Bowe, Krueger
Minutes. Ellingson moved, seconded by K. Powers, to approve the revised minutes of the March 14, 2022 Annual Directors’ Meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Crane stated the minutes of the March 14, 2022 Annual Members’ meeting had been reviewed and would be voted on at the Annual Meeting in 2023.
Treasurer’s Report. K. Powers distributed the latest Treasurer’s report, noting a total of $9905 in the Club checking account. Powers stated that the PARC rental was paid once a month. She said a check had been received as a result of the Bill Schneider Tournament. Powers moved, seconded by Hunter, that a check for $1000 be donated to St. Vincent dePaul from the Bill Schneider Tournament, in the name of Bill Schneider, former Club Secretary and player. Motion passed unanimously.
Powers reported a donation of $350 was sent to the Charity Club from the TPPC 40th Anniversary Celebration event at the PARC. The current Club Charity Committee consists of Peter/Pam Horn and Karen/Rick LaMirand. Outreach for future donations will be reviewed by the new Board.
Committees. Rooks stated that one of his missions is to work on a committee structure and how things get Club approval. He distributed a 6-Committee list and asked for a Board member to be a liaison on each committee. He requested that each committee select a Chair, if possible a full-time resident, and 3-5 members selected by the Board liaison. Each committee will review committee guidelines, parameters and structure, work on its task list and action plan and recruit volunteers when necessary. The liaison will take final committee plans for Board approval, if needed. Rooks asked that committees be set up by the next Board meeting. Ellingson would reach out to DeGirolamo for volunteers for committee tasks.
Committee liaisons were selected as follows: --Equipment and Facilities - Dwyer
--Social/Events - Rooks
--Training and Competition - Ellingson
--Communications - Crane
--Administration - Hunter
--Finance - Powers
Other Business --D. Rooks will be the contact person with Timber Pines administration.
--Knowlton volunteered to complete all forms to reserve the Pavilion for the Sat. Cookouts.
--Per the TP Board, there will be no changes to the Pickleball Court lines on the Lodge Courts for the immediate future.
--Rooks, Ellingson, Hunter, Dwyer, Crane, Knowlton, Eisenhard, Bob and Karen Powers will be Den managers going forward.
--The main dish for the Saturday, April 4 cookout will be fried chicken.
The meeting was adjourned at 5pm