TPPC Board Meeting Minutes - April 11, 2022
Rooks called the meeting to order at 3:00pm at the PARC Pavilion. Present: D. Rooks, C. Ellingson, Dwyer, Knowlton, K. Powers, Crane; Absent - Hunter Guests: M. Rocheleau, J. Ellingson, Bowe, Krueger, Howard, P. Asbel, Wohl, Marilyn Siekierzynski
Minutes. Crane stated the minutes had been reviewed by Board Members and changes made. Powers moved, seconded by Ellingson, to approve the minutes of the March 28, 2022 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Crane reported that she would send the minutes of the Annual Members Meeting held on March 14, 2022, to the Board for review, noting that approval would be at the 2023 Members Annual Meeting.
Treasurer’s Report. Powers distributed a Cash Flow Report showing a balance of $8,149 as of 4/7/2022. She indicated that the Board would see totals at the first meeting of each month. She noted that she is waiting on new debit cards. Powers stated that debit transactions over $100 currently need Board approval and suggested that the amount might be increased. In discussion it was noted that typically expenses for cookouts were usually under $200 and other items where a debit card would be used were under $100. Large social occasions like the Bash would be budgeted. Dwyer moved, seconded by Crane, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
Committee Reports. Each liaison provided a committee update. Social Committee. D. Rooks named committee members and chair B. Rooks and summarized the following: Weekly cookouts. One potluck cookout/month and for others the Club would provide a main entree.
--Cookout cancellation guidelines. The local weather forecast on Friday at 5pm before a cookout will determine whether to cancel a cookout (Forecast of 50 degrees and under, high probability of rain/thunderstorms or other inclement weather at the time of cookout.) Cancellations will be done by D. Rooks via Den email to cookout participants by 10pm Friday preceding the cookout.
--Guest chefs monthly if possible with guidelines as to possible range of number of attendees. Monthly themes being considered.
--It was suggested to have some activities (e.g., games, karaoke) after the food portion of the cookout. Leftover food is offered to TP guards, attendees to take home.
Equipment & Facilities Committee. Dwyer named committee members and Chair Dalley. He indicated each member had tasks: Krueger, ball machine; Dalley, first aid; Lightfoot & Holland supply balls to court; DelVecchio, trimming fence covers; T. Asbel, ball inventory. Coon, Peter Horn, are helpers. A discussion on ball purchase ensued. Dwyer moved, Ellingson seconded, to spend up to $3000 at no more than $2/ball and T. Asbel be authorized to purchase balls. Motion passed unanimously. K. Powers noted that number of balls bought and its effect on the budget should continue to be reviewed. Dwyer indicated that there is now a combination lock box for the storage room key. He told the board where the box will be located and that he will be telling the board members the combination, individually. Training and Competition Committee. Ellingson stated that Howard and Kruger are chairs and the committee members have not been chosen yet. She reported that times and dates for weekly lessons, drills and instruction with mentors had been moved to new times in the April schedule. Two guests (Wohl, Marilyn S) asked that the committee consider a time slot for B-level players as is now on the schedule for Advanced players. Marilyn would email the request to Howard/Krueger. D. Rooks stated changes to the summer schedule would be reviewed if something needs to be fixed. Administration Committee. Knowlton read the report from Hunter, who suggested the following:
-- Names and phone numbers be removed from the website roster. So moved by Powers, seconded by D. Rooks. Motion passed unanimously.
--As summer approaches snowbirds especially request to have their names removed from Den so they do not get emails. It was suggested to change to in-app setting in Den. Crane will put instructions in Fix.
--Group email - Hunter will forward emails to appropriate Board members.
--Changes in by-laws related to visitors joining the TPPC will be discussed in a later meeting.
--G-drive. Cost is $30/yr and will be renewed. Knowlton and Powers will organize information on the drive.
Communications Committee. Crane reported Bowe is Chair and in charge of PARC Bulletin Board. Other members are Smith (Sunshine Person) and Fuller (photographer, non-Den communications). She said guidelines were set for get well and sympathy cards to club members. Cost for materials are being reviewed. Crane will continue with all Den emails including Fix and welcome letters to new members. Finance Committee. K. Powers reported that B. Powers would chair the committee with members Thayer, D. Myers, M. Kohlberg, and Christine Greene.
Other Business --Club Managers. In the ensuing discussion it was decided to keep the number of Club Managers to a minimum. In addition to the seven (7) board members, T. Asbel, B. Powers, Eisenhard, and Howard could be assigned managerial responsibilities when needed when Club Managers were out of town.
--Paid Lessons. A discussion occurred on having paid lessons on the pickleball courts. D. Rooks suggested Crane send out a flyer for M. Rocheleau for a Sat. paid pickleball clinic. Rooks noted that it is within the TPCA guidelines to provide instruction on TP amenities. He stated it is a service members can choose to take advantage of or not. Rooks also commented that Rocheleau also provides free lessons which enables the numbers taking lessons to increase.
The next TPPC meeting will be on Monday, April 25 at 3pm. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45pm.