BOD meeting May 9

TPPC Board of Directors' Meeting - May 9, 2022

Members present: Rooks, Dwyer, Knowlton, Crane, Ellingson by phone

Absent: Hunter, Powers

Guests present: Howard, P. Asbel, Bowe, Krueger, Holland, T. Asbel

The meeting was called to order at 3:03pm on May 9, 2022 at the Country Club.

Moved by Dwyer, seconded by Knowlton, the minutes of the April 25, 2022 meeting were approved as corrected. The motion passed unanimously.

Officer Reports

Crane gave the secretary's report.

--Bowe has updated the Court Bulletin Board with the latest schedule and it is also on the TPPC website.

--C. Smith, the Sunshine representative, has sent cards to club members for deaths and hospital stays, available to be signed by members. She has also collected sympathy and get well cards to send out as needed. Thanks to B. Rooks, who has created a number of them. A notice will be placed in the Fix monthly so members can identify those who should receive cards from the Club.

--Photos - a disk with photos of events needs to be reviewed. Bowe will review photos of the Zephyrhills Tournament with second place winners (Ellingson, Schmink) taken by photographer Harris, and send them to the webmaster.

--Correspondence - Crane will continue to send out Club notices for the Friday Flash, weekly cookouts, and twice monthly summer Fri Fix emails. She noted that she will send quarterly notices for the TP Bulletin starting in July. She continues to send Welcome letters to new members.

  1. Rooks reported that the Treasurer's report had been received from K. Powers, who is on vacation. He stated there are currently 988 members. He reported 2000 pickleballs were bought and are stored in the supply room at the courts. Krueger stated that he had posted a sign at the courts identifying the different types of balls and how they were to be used. Knowlton moved, seconded by Dwyer, to approve the Treasurer's report. The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion of Schedule Changes

--D. Rooks indicated there had been complaints about the Skills instruction time overlapping with the Sat. Cookout. Krueger suggested that the Skills event be changed to Sat. from 8-10am. Rooks stated that this change complicates creating the schedule in two-hour blocks (7-9 and 9-11am).

Dwyer suggested the Advanced Skills event be set up in two blocks (e.g., 7-9am and 9-11am) allowing players to start at a time within the blocks by signing up for both times.

After discussion, Howard and Krueger agreed to try this schedule and it would be changed in the Den.

--Rooks also noted that in the summer heat the Men's and Ladies' Events on Tuesday and Thursday might be shortened from 3 to 2 hours. This would involve changing from two rounds to one (5-7pm). T. Asbel agreed with this change and B. Powers would be contacted about making the change.


--D. Rooks asked about approving the Tournament Schedule as presented at the last meeting. Howard indicated that in checking for Pavilion use the November 12 date would need to be changed to November 11 because the Pavilion was already rented. She said she had reserved the Pavilion all day on Nov. 11 and for all other tournament dates. The tournament schedule was approved with the one change from Nov 12 to Nov 11.

--Howard also stated that a representative would need to go to the TP Board for approval of having signs for hotdog sales at the tournaments. Howard agreed to make the request to the TP Board.

--The Tournament Committee is working getting sponsors to help underwrite the tournaments.

Employee Luncheon

D Rooks reported that the Employee Luncheon held in 2021 was very successful and suggested having a Luncheon this year on Friday, June 17. The employee schedule will be checked to make sure Friday is a workable day for employees.

Equipment/Facilities Report

Dwyer reported that Krueger had replaced the battery for the ball machine and it seemed to be working well. He noted that DelVecchio had completed cutting the fence covers and Dalley and Holland had replaced them on all of the fences. He reported that ball stops had been placed near some of the gates to prevent balls from going under the fences to other courts. He indicated Holland filled all ball holders every morning with balls stored in the equipment room. He reported that the Pickleball box could be accessed from the top and it was suggested that R. DelVecchio be asked to fix the box to eliminate this problem.

Other Business

--Holland thanked Krueger for all of his work on the ball machine, researching how it worked and the balls to use.

--D. Rooks noted that the wheelchair would now be placed between the courts per Timber Pines and not at the Pavilion.

--D. Rooks also noted that managers did not have authority to change information in the event schedules.

With no further business, Dwyer moved, seconded by Crane, to adjourn the meeting at 3:55pm.

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