BOD Meeting June 13

Board of Directors Meeting – June 13, 2022

3pm – Country Club

The BOD meeting was called to order at 3:02 pm at the Country Club. A quorum was present.

Members present: D. Rooks, Powers, Crane, Knowlton, Dwyer; Hunter, Ellingson on phone

Guests present: B. Schmink, M. Kohlberg, Coon, Holland

Director and Committee Reports

Secretary Report of the Minutes of May 9, 2022 Meeting

Dwyer moved, seconded by Hunter, that the minutes of the May 9, 2022 meeting be approved with no changes. Motion passed unanimously.

Communications Committee – Crane reported on activities of the Communications Committee.

Bulletin Board – Carol Bowe, in charge of the PARC TPPC Bulletin Boards, updated and created the new Courts summer Calendar for the Bulletin Board and coordinated with webmaster Bruce Eisenhard to update the TPPC website. She reviewed photos taken by Dave Harris, Club photographer, of the pb tournament in which Bonnie Schmink and Cathi Ellingson, took second place and sent them to Webmaster Eisenhard to post on the website.

Sunshine Lady – Connie Smith has collected member signatures and sent sympathy cards to members who have passed recently and get well cards to those who have had extended illnesses, as well as info about celebration of life ceremonies. If anyone knows of members who are in the hospital or that need get well or sympathy cards, please let Connie know. Jeanne Fuller will be helping out until Connie returns from vacation. When she leaves, please send the information to me or via email to

K. Powers requested that names of members who received sympathy cards be given to B. Powers so their names can be removed from the Den membership list.

A notice will be in the first Fix of each month in case Club members know of someone who needs Club support. Contact via email to

Club Communications – The following emails go to all Club members each week:

--Cookout notice from B Rooks on the main dish for the cookout

--Fix emails every other Friday, one this past Friday and the next on June 24.

--Fri Flash TPPC notice to TP each Tues for the weekly Flash email.

--TPPC Bulletin information is now sent quarterly to Timber Pines.

--Any special notices for the entire Club go out via Den, (e.g., Memorial Day cookout celebration and a request for helpers for the Employee Luncheon on June 16.)

--Welcome letters to new members giving info about the Club, Den sign up, etc.

Treasurer's Report

K. Powers gave the Treasurer's Report on the following:

-- Membership is now 997. Powers distributed the monthly cash analysis of the year to date. Cash in the account is $4,371, and she noted that two cookout receipts are not yet included.

Powers commented on the Club "Best Value 200 Checking" account. She explained changes in the fee structure and that the Club should look into the type of account that would best suit their needs by the Fall.

Finance Committee report by Powers

--K. Powers reviewed some of the issues with the Den subscription payments including commitment to number of Den subscriptions, timing to process renewals and new members and being charged for non-renewing members. She said she will work with Elizabeth at the Den on the timing of pulling bulk subscriptions and processing new members and renewals in anticipation of 2023 membership renewal in the Fall.

--K. Powers indicated the Committee is looking at the TPPC Taxpayer ID number issue. M. Kohlberg is working on a presentation on this issue and recommendations for the July BOD meeting.

--Powers noted that the Club is almost at 1000 members and would like to plan some commemoration of this milestone.

Administration Committee

  1. Hunter reported on activities of the Administration Committee.

--Corrections have been made to the TPPC website (e.g, director duties, removal of roster from the old website).

--A write-up on the external pages of the new TP website as requested by TP technology.

Hunter indicated that there are some changes needed in the by-laws to address changes in membership rules. Powers asked that the by-laws be changed before 2023 membership renewal so the 2023 membership forms could be revised.

Knowlton requested the list of new level managers be reviewed as to who should have access to make changes on Den (e.g., adding skill levels to members, sign-up sheet manager, managers who can change skill levels, or fields put on a report). Questions include: who should be a full level manager? Sign-up sheet manager/skill level manager?

D. Rooks will talk to S. Fortin before a change to level is made. Fortin is currently a full-level manager and can make changes including skill level. At present T. Asbel, Krueger, Trappenburg, Howard are at this level and all BOD members.

Training & Competition Committee – C. Ellingson reported there will be an Orientation/Lesson once a month until Fall to welcome new members. At present C. Hamblen will be the instructor.

--A Club representative needs to request sale of hotdogs and posting signs at each pickleball tournament. D. Rooks will handle.

--Linn Coon, a guest and VP of the TP Veterans Club, requested that a pb tournament be held to benefit veterans. She listed how donated money is spent for the benefit of veterans. She asked that it be held after January 1, 2023. It was noted that a tournament is set for November 11, Veterans' Day and that would be an appropriate time. Knowlton stated that the TPPC gives money from tournaments to different organizations and caution is needed or any organization will be requesting a tournament for their charity which they already give money to. She noted when the TPPC wanted to rent the Pavilion for Saturday cookouts and might have received a discount for the number of occasions, the members of the Veterans Club lobbied against this happening.

--Powers asked Coon to send an email request.

Social Committee – D. Rooks reported on the following:

--Memorial Day Cookout celebration with 97 attendees. He described the opening with moment of silence, music, and flag bearer, followed by food, music, corn hole.

--B. Rooks has organized an Employees Luncheon to be held on the Lodge Porch, Thurs, June 16. The luncheon held in 2021 was very successful with a large turnout from employees. The Club will supply and cook hamburgers/hotdogs, with dishes made and served by TPPC members and each employee receiving a Koozie with TP on it. Powers moved, seconded by Dwyer, to authorize $425 for food. Motion passed.

D. Rooks said plans are also in the works for a July 2 Karaoke cookout to celebrate July 4 and also another social for Labor Day.

Other Business

It was noted that a representative of the Club needs to request from TP BOD the following:

--rental of the Pavilion on Saturday nights from Oct through May for TPPC weekly cookouts.

--permission to sell hotdogs at the TPPC tournaments and to display signs. D. Rooks will handle.

Dwyer volunteered to call Yost to have play extended until 10pm and lights on.

The next BOD meeting was set for July 11.

Dwyer moved, seconded by Crane, to adjourn the meeting.

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