Annual Meeting

by Bev Crane

TPPCI Annual Member Meeting Minutes – March 13, 2023  **

Call to Order. Meeting called to order at 1:12 pm on March 13, 2023, at the Performing Arts Center (PAC).

Proof of Notice. Notice placed in the Pickleball fix on Friday, February 10, 2023

Quorum. A quorum was present. Board members present: Beverley Crane, Cathi Ellingson, Sue Hunter, Marie Knowlton, Mel Kohlberg, Karen Powers, Mike Rocheleau. Approximately 220 club members attended.

Nominating Committee. Members Pat Thayer, Carol Bowe and Peggy Patton were introduced and thanked. Thayer introduce the four members on the ballot for Board of Directors. They are Tom Asbel, Bob Dalley, Marsha Lorenzen and Vivian LeBlanc. There were no nominations from the floor. Members voted on the ballot they received when signing into the meeting. Ballots were hand collected. The committee left the room to tally the votes.

President’s remarks. Knowlton reviewed the many events that the club sponsored over the year. She also indicated that she was only the president for the last 4 months, after the resignation of Don Rooks. She thanked the many members that stepped up to run various highly successful events and activities. Knowlton spoke about the various difficult decisions before the board this year.

Minutes. Kohlberg moved, seconded by Rocheleau to approve the minutes from the March 14, 2022, Annual Member meeting. Motion passed.  **

Treasurer’s Report. Powers reported a few copies of the Statement of Revenues and Expenses were on each table. Each member was sent a copy via email. Her report noted, we are in a stronger financial position than we were at the end of 2021. Even though our cash total is high, we need to remain conservative in our spending. A large amount of our cash comes into the club between November and January of each year. That cash needs to support activities through next November when we start getting dues for 2024. The new board will need to make some spending decisions to ensure the club has funds available to support our members into November and December. Powers also spoke about the club becoming a non-profit.

Motion made to accept the treasurers report, seconded, and passed.

Vice-President Report. Cathi Ellingson spoke about her accomplishments during her tenure on the board. She spoke about the various training and development events that are now in place.

Committee reports.

Events. Mike Rocheleau spoke.

Facilities. Mel Kohlberg spoke.**

Administration. Sue Hunter spoke.

Communications. Beverly Crane spoke about her 7+ years on the board. She stated that she was looking forward to seeing everyone on the courts.

New Business. Sue Hunter stated, “On behalf of the committee on revision of the bylaws, I move that, as a substitute for the present bylaws, the submitted bylaws from the committee be adopted.”

Each Article was read out-loud, and Sue Hunter stated the changes made to the article. Members were given to the opportunity to make comments, discuss or make amendments to the Article. Upon complete review, the membership present was asked to vote, via paper ballot, on adopting the proposed revised By-laws.

Each change presented (member name shown below), was duly seconded, discussed and voted upon.

1. Dan Duguay: Article III: Delete second paragraph. Motion failed.

2. Eddie Jensen: Article IV, Section 1, part D: Strike last sentence. Replace with “The newly elected Director shall serve until the next annual election at which time a Director will be elected by the membership for the remainder of the vacated term.” Motion passed.

3. Dave Dwyer: Article IV, Section 1, part D: Strike everything after first sentence. Motion failed.

4. Judy Murphy: Article IV, Section 1, part E: Strike existing verbiage. Replace with:

“At least thirty (30) days preceding the date of the Annual Members’ Meeting, the current Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee for the purpose of soliciting current Club members in good standing to place their name in nomination for the upcoming election of members to the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) Club members, not more than one (1) of whom is a current Board member.” Motion passed.

5. Jen Harris: Article IV, Section 2, part D: Strike all proposed verbiage. Keep current verbiage. Motion failed.

5a. Mark Hughes: Article IV, Section 2, part D: change the number of petitioners from 100 to 20. Motion failed. Note: Mark was asked to submit the motion in writing but did not.

6. Judy Murphy: Article V, Section 4: strike out entire section 4. Stated in Article IV, Section 2, part G.

Motion passed.

7. Judy Murphy: Article V, Section 5, part C: Duties of Secretary: #2. Strike “office”. Insert “the Board of Directors”. #3. Strike out “TPCA Bulletin”. Insert “TPCA Newsletter”. Motion passed.

8. Judy Murphy: Article VI, Section 1: Annual Member’s Meeting: After the first sentence, insert “The agenda will be posted on the bulletin board at the PARC Pickleball courts and emailed to all current Club members.” Strike fifth sentence. Replace with “A plurality vote of the members present and voting is required for the election of members to the open Director’s positions.” Motion passed.

9. Sue Hunter: Article VI, Section 2: Additional Member Meeting: in second sentence, strike “thirty (30) days” and replace with “sixty (60) days”. After second sentence, insert “New By-laws may be proposed at this meeting”. After fifth sentence: insert “After achieving quorum, two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present is required to accept changes to the Club By-laws.” In last sentence, insert “other” after “any”. Motion failed.

10. Pieter Trappenburg: Article VI, Section #: Strike title. Replace with “Removal of director meeting”.

Motion passed. NOTE: This Article change necessitates the change of meeting name in Article IV, Section 1, part D; Article IV, Section 2, part D as well as Article VI, Section 8, part B.

12. Mark Hughes: Article VI, Section 4: Strike “quorum of one-hundred fifty (150) members”. Replace with “quorum of forty (40) members”. Motion failed.

13. Judy Murphy: Article VI, Section 7, part A-1: Insert “Members’ ” after Annual. Motion passed.

14. Mel Kohlberg: Article VII, Section 3: Strike “(except the Nominating Committee)”. Motion passed.

15. Sue Hunter: Insert new Article VIII: Nominations and Elections after Article VII, Section 3.

To be inserted:

“Article VIII Nominations and Elections

Section 1: The nominating Committee is named by the Board, per Article IV: Board of Directors, Section 1-E. At the Annual Member’s Meeting, they shall be responsible for nominating members in good standing who choose to be candidates for election to serve on the Board in the open Director positions. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.

Section 2: Election

The vote shall be by ballot which shall list all candidates for the open Directors’ positions. The persons receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected. If at the close of nominations, there are not more nominees than there are vacancies the nominees for election to the Board shall be elected by acclamation and no vote of the Members shall be required.

Section 3: Ballots

Absentee ballots are authorized. Each member who wishes to use an absentee ballot must personally request a ballot from the Nomination/Elections Committee. When completed, the ballot shall be returned to the Nomination/Elections Committee before the election.” Motion passed.

16. Sue Hunter: Article VIII. Because of new Article VII, renumber to Article IX. Motion passed.

The nominating committee distributed, collected, and tallied paper ballots.

Original motion made at beginning of review to adopt the revised By-laws:

Motion Passed. Ayes: 90 Nays: 18

Results from BOD voting. Thayer announced that Marsha Lorenzen and Tom Asbel won the election and will become members of the board of directors.

Q&A. Member suggested we consider purchasing BOD insurance.

Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 4:39 pm.

Respectfully submitted.

Karen Powers


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