Sign up on Den. Watch the Den for more dates to open for Den sign-up soon.
February Monthly Cookout– The Cookout for February is the first Sat., Feb 4 at 5:30pm at the Pavilion. The main dish is meatball subs. The cost for the cookout is now $5, an increase of $2. Sign up deadline on the Den by Thurs. Feb. 2 at 5:00pm. Bring a dish enough for 6-8 persons. Volunteers are needed to help set up tables and check in members. To help, contact Melanie Havekes at
ABCD Format Play
Many of you have played in the Wed. night ABCD event, 5-7pm. Check the calendar to sign up on Den for two other ABCD play events you might enjoy:
--Friday Partners ABCD, 5-7pm - Any 2 players can be partners (for the entire event) and can sign in at any level, A,B,C or D.
--Sunday Mixed Partners ABCD, 5-7pm - Play is MIXED (female-male partners) who also keep the same partners for the entire event….same format as Friday ABCD.
Try these “partner” events.
Instruction and Development – Sign up on Den is necessary for all lessons.
--Introduction to Pickleball beginner lessons on Mondays from 1:00-3:00pm on courts 1 & 2. This class will cover the basics of pickleball for new members with limited knowledge of pickleball play. Limit 8 players.
--Beginner Play with a mentor on Mondays from 1:00-3:00pm on courts 3 & 4. After taking a couple of lessons, this is a perfect place to come and play with other beginner players alongside a mentor. Limit 8 players.
--Intermediate Skills/Drills on Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00pm, courts 1 & 2. Focus will be on areas players may be having issues with while also working on new strategies. Sign up if you'd like to improve your game. Limit 8 players.
--Beginner Skills/Drills on Fridays from 1:00-3:00pm on courts 1-4. Focus will be on building the skills of beginner players. Rotating stations will provide the opportunity to work on basic key skills. Limit 16 players.
If you sign up for any of the above lessons/drills and find you are not able to attend, please take your name off the list as soon as possible. This is a courtesy to both those who want to attend and the volunteer mentors who are planning the instruction.
The ThrowBack Event for all women picklers for the month of Feb is on Thursday, February 9 at 5pm at the Lodge Courts instead of Tuesday at 5pm. The Lodge Courts are not available on Tuesday evenings for three months (Feb, Mar, Apr) due to Special Olympics. The format will be the same: Four (4) courts will be available for pickleball followed by socializing. Please bring a snack to share, and everyone brings their own drink. For questions call Karen Toof at 303 527-0800. Come play pickleball and socialize with your colleagues. Great fun!
Updates to TPPC By-Laws
The BOD is proposing updates to the current TPPC By-laws. All members will receive a proposed copy in a separate email. Please review and if you have concerns send them to The final version to be voted on at the Annual Meeting on Monday, March 13 will be sent to all members 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting on Monday, Feb 13, 2023.
Other Updates
--2 TPPC Directors will be voted on at the Annual Meeting on March 13. Contact a member of the 2023 TPPC Nomination Committee if you wish to run for one of these TPPC offices or nominate a member for office. Pat Thayer has agreed to Chair the 2023 Nominating Committee with Carol Bowe and Peggy Patton as members.
--Mel Kohlberg has agreed to audit the 2022 end of year financial records. The BOD voted to approve his appointment Jan 17, 2023.
--The TPPC Annual Meeting is Monday, March 13, 2023, 1pm at the PAC.
--The code to the storage room at the Courts will be changed. See your team leader if you need access.
--Parking: Golf carts should park on the South side near the Pavilion or in the grassy area to the north.
Reminders: Pickleball Balls in Cold Weather and Parking: You’ve received separate emails regarding the problem of playing with pickleballs in cold weather and parking at the courts. Please check the weather and if the temperature is below 50 degrees, pickleballs will be removed from the holders until the temperature is 50 or more. Note: Golf carts should park on the South side near the Pavilion or in the grassy area to the north of the courts.
TPPC 2023 Membership Forms Note: Members are still renewing their 2023 memberships. Fill out the 2023 membership forms available at the Courts between Courts 1-2 and 3-4 and drop them with the $10 fee in the wooden box above the form container.