Pickleball Fix

by Mel Kohlberg


You may receive a notice from The Den asking for you to submit your 2024 subscription with them. If you get such notice DO NOT PAY THEM! The Club handles Den subscriptions in bulk. You pay your dues, and we pay the subscriptions. Fear not, we’ve got you covered.


Heads up! Coming to a venue near you, January 11, 2024, 7:00pm, courts #1-2.

These lessons are for folks new to Pickleball. Topics covered – and you should NOT miss the lessons for this – safety, dinking (drinking is taught in the Intermediate classes), serving, scoring, rules, and etiquette. Knowing all this stuff will help you get a better handle on how to play the game. We promise!!


Repeat announcement to stir up interest … next cookout, the first of the new year ... is Saturday, January 6, 2024, 5:30-9pm. Bring $5 for your food and entertainment, and a dish to pass that will feed 6-8 people. Sign-up in the Den, and add in the Notes section what dish you’re bringing to avoid duplications. The main dish will be Cabbage Rolls, prepared for us by Barb Kabzinsky and her elves.

And we're still looking for a Guest Chef and main dish for the January 20th Cookout. If you have any interest and want to help the members in a big way, sign-up. Contact Diane Beaudoin to volunteer.

TOURNAMENT (pronounced Tuna mint by our beloved Southerners)

Sign-up for Reindeer Games closes today, Thursday the 21st. Our second event of the season will take place Christmas morning, and Coordinator Tom Asbel has put together a fun outing we all can enjoy. Leave your game faces home, this is a light-hearted series of games he dreamed up. Entry fee is a mere $5 plus a non-perishable item(s).


Reminder number something. Please be courteous when parking at the PARC. There’s lots of parking available – some designated for automobiles (two solid lines on either side of the space) and some for golf carts (ones with a dotted line up the center of the space.) So, pay attention to where you’re parking, and do the right thing and stay between your proper lines in your proper space. Thank you.


As announced at our regular Board meeting on December 12, there is a vacancy on the Board of Directors following the resignation of a director. By Den message last week, the Board is seeking candidates to fill the vacancy for the position, with a term of office through March 28, 2024, through our Annual Members’ Meeting. All interested parties should submit a letter of interest to the Board email account by January 5, with the selection of the successful candidate to take place at our next regular Board meeting on January 9, 2024, 1:00pm at the PARC Pavilion.


Beginning the first of the year as a result of monitoring the usage data, NPU schedules will change. Levels A and B will have two NPU sessions each day. The 1st session will be 8:00-9:30am, and the 2nd session will be 9:30-11:00am. This way, 48 people will be able to play in NPU in each level per day, double the previous capacity of 24. We ask that you only sign up to play on one of these sessions per day to give as many people as possible the chance to play.

Level C has had fewer people sign up, so for now, we will continue their NPU schedule at one session, 9:00-11:00am, each day. We ask the C level players to let us know if they feel they need more sessions. We will also be watching the data from the Den to see if it warrants a change.

Note that the early risers can then sign-up to play for a 6:30-8:00 session.


Please see the attached Schedule of Events PDF file for a detailed list of all events taking place during the coming weeks.


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