2021 Outdoor Pickleball Facility of the Year Award

2021 Outdoor Pickleball Facility of the Year Award

Timber Pines Community Association, located in Spring Hill, was recently presented with the “Pickleball Facility of the Year” award! Welch Tennis, the Timber Pines racket sports contractor, in conjunction with the American Sports Builders Association, recognized Timber Pines for their commitment to the sport. This was accomplished through a joint effort of Timber Pines Community Association, the Timber Pines Pickleball Club and Welch Tennis. The cooperation, planning, camaraderie between these groups was second to none making this all possible. Timber Pines now has the premier pickleball facility of any community for miles around. Congratulations to everyone involved!

At the TP BOD meeting on Wed., Timber Pines received the 2021 Outdoor Pickleball Facility of the Year Award from the American Sports Builders Association. Members of the TPPC were in attendance to cheer and BOD members were present and part of a picture with the reward plaque! The Club is finally reaping the rewards of our long pursuit for our wonderful new courts! .



Pictured left to right:

Kevin Timmons, Welch Tennis; Mike Murphy, Timber Pines Pickleball Club Board of Directors President; Marie Knowlton, TPPC President; Deb Howard, TPPC Vice-President; Beverly Crane, TPPC Secretary; Tom Asbel, TPPC Director and Rich Ohlenroth, Timber Pines Board of Directors Vice-President.

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