Forty-five (45) ladies will be heading out on Monday for the Lucy Kitcher Clinic in Port St. Lucie, FL and return on Friday. The event held at a Club Med resort includes lots of pickleball including morning instruction each day and access to all their amenities. Should be a great learning experience, as well as fun with our pickleball colleagues. Upon our return we’ll be ready to show off our newly honed pickleball skills. Watch out everyone!
NOTE--No Friday Fix will be sent out next Friday, Feb 4.
Election of TPPC Board of Directors and TPPC Annual Meeting
Earlier this week Pat Thayer, Chair of the TPPC Nomination Committee, sent an email on Den to all members with details about running for the TPPC Board of Directors. Any TPPC member who is interested in being nominated to run for the two (2) open TPPC BOD positions, must respond by Feb 14 to run. The election will be held on March 14 at the TPPC Annual Meeting. If you have questions, please contact Pat Thayer at 603-991-7745 or email
Sat. Cookout on Jan 29 at 5:30pm.
This Saturday’s cookout has been CHANGED to a "pot luck" dinner from pizza main dish. The Cookout will begin at 5:30pm. Bring a dish to share for 6-8 people. At 6pm the 3 TPCA candidates running for the TP Board will speak to PB Club members (5 min each with Q&A following). Members who do not want to attend the cookout that starts at 5:30pm may come at 6pm to hear the candidates.
BASH Party Ticket Sales – Wed. Feb 2, 12-3 at the Pavilion
There are still some tickets available in both the Lodge main room and on the Porch for the BASH party to be held on Mar. 11 at the Lodge. Next ticket sales are Wed. Feb. 2 from 12-3pm at the Pavilion. Members stop by and get yours!
Upcoming Events
Only one week away, February will be a busy month!
--Feb 5 - 40th Anniversary Open House from 12-3pm at the PAC. The TPPC has a table to familiarize residents with pickleball. Come on up!
--Feb 18, 19 - Member/Open/Member (MOM) Charity Mixed Tournament. A member can choose anyone to be a partner--member, resident, guest or outsider. Copies of flyers and registration forms with details are at the PARC and will be sent in a separate email from Den. Sign up now as a limited number can participate.
Volunteers will be needed for these events and others upcoming. Please contact Helen DeGirolamo at to volunteer and specify an event on a date that is good for you. Thanks in advance for volunteering as you help make all events run smoothly.
Please help!
--Pickleballs. It’s been very cold and pickleballs tend to crack more easily. One morning this week 7 balls cracked between 9-11am! When you finish playing, please put the balls in the holders on each court to keep them out of direct cold.
--Parking. With 60+ participating in Cookouts and Wed events, parking facilities are continuing to be taxed. Cars park in the parking lot and golf carts on the Wellness Center side of the Pavilion and in the grass area to the north of the Courts. Carpool when possible.
--Sign-up Sheet. Remove your name from a Sign-up sheet if you cannot play that event so others can sign-up and the waitlist is activated.
--Clean up. Remove trash, empty bottles and check the site to make sure you have all of your possessions with you so they don’t end up in the lost/found or trash!
--Lost & Found. Forgetful? If you forget something, check the lost/found boxes at the courts. The boxes are constantly filling up with items left behind.
We are all at the courts to have a good time playing pickleball. Be courteous and kind and have fun pickling.
TPPC Pickleball Board