Pickleball Fix

by Bev Crane

Message from the Board of Directors

It is with great regret that the Pickleball Board of Directors will accept the resignations of Don Rooks, President, and Dave Dwyer, Director. Both were valued members of the Board and will be missed. The remaining Board members will be appointing members to fill these vacancies. If you would like to be considered to serve on the TPPC Board of Directors, please submit an email to the Club email (tppickleballclub@gmail.com) no later than November 17 with your name, contact info, and a brief statement of the strengths you would bring to the Board. The decision will be made at the next open Board meeting to be held on Monday, November 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the Cypress Room at the Lodge. As always, all members are invited to attend.

Weekly Update

The Den schedule is now available for sign-up. Click the calendar and click the date and event you want to sign up for.

Lesson Schedule Changes

--Lessons/Orientation on Mon. Nov 14, 21, 28. The time will be changed to 1-3pm, a change from the previous time of 11am-1pm. On Den select Play Type Beginner Class to sign up.

-- Beginner Lessons with Mentor, a new session, will start Fri., Nov 18 from 1-3 pm and also be held the following week on Nov 25 from 1-3pm.

Sign up on the Den for Courts 1,2 with a limit of 8 members for any of these sessions. Select Play Type Beginner Class.

--Throwback Tues. at 5pm on the first Tues. of the month at the Lodge Courts will be cancelled on Tues. Dec 6 and resume on Tues. Jan 4, 2023.

--The State Special Olympics scheduled for Nov 11 & 12 has been cancelled due to weather.

2023 Membership Renewal. Please use the 2023 membership form (at the Courts and on the website) for new and renewing membership. New members get the rest of 2022 included with their 2023 payment.

--Membership renewal schedule for the coming week. A designated Club member will be available to collect dues at the Lodge on Nov.14th, 10am-12noon. You can also drop forms/dues in the pb box at the Courts. To make the renewal easier for TPPC to process, PLEASE SUBMIT RENEWALS BY DECEMBER 14.

TPPC T-shirts - A volunteer is needed to sell 2023 TPPC t-shirts. Each year the Club sells t-shirts with the TPPC logo. Volunteers please contact tppickleballclub@gmail.com.

Turkey Trot Tournament

--The Turkey Trot Tournament, the first tournament of 2022-23, took place today November 11. Thank you to all who participated in the Tournament even with the rain delay. There were a total of 11 Advanced teams, 18 Intermediate teams and 4 Novice teams. We were so happy to see that 8 Novice players participated and had a great time.

--To our Volunteers - You make a difference and are appreciated. Thank you for your hard work and dedication, I am lucky to have you on my team!

From: Mike Rocheleau, Tournament Coordinator

--The Club also thanks Mike and Patty Rocheleau, who organized and conducted this first tournament of the year. Despite the rain all ran very smoothly, and everyone seemed to have a good time! Many visitors came out to watch all the games and the medals awarded after each group completed their play.

TPPC Highlighted in Den Newsletter

This month the Den Newsletter highlights Timber Pines Pickleball, which has been part of the Pickleball Den family since 2019. Marie Knowlton, former President of the Timber Pines Pickleball Club, chatted with the Den writer for an excellent article INCLUSION AND INVOLVEMENT... THE PATHWAY TO GROWTH. Knowlton described the Club’s enthusiastic and welcoming members who have helped our Club, located in Spring Hill, Florida, grow from a small group of players, to a club of over 1,000 members. A 12-deco turf court facility with fencing, lighting, windscreens and shade structures, these courts won the 2021 Outdoor Pickleball Facility of the year from The American Sports Builders Association in 2021. She also described a new training that TPPC Board members have undertaken to train Special Olympic athletes to compete in the FL State Pickleball Special Olympics Championship on November 11-12 at the ESPN Disney Facility. She commented that the Timber Pines Pickleball Club provides opportunities for their members to socialize and connect through scheduled play and club events. A welcoming group, they play, socialize, meet new players and have fun with their pickleball colleagues. Read the entire article. Great job, Marie.

See you on the Courts and keep on picklin’,

TPPC Pickleball Board

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