Pickleball Fix

by Mel Kohlberg


Next week, on Thursday, March 28, 2024, the Board of Directors will present to you the 2024 Annual Members’ Meeting, immediately followed by the Annual BOD Meeting. In the Members’ Meeting, we will be voting on a slate of new Board members – we presently have six candidates running for five open seats on the Board. We will also be voting on a proposed amendment to our Club By-Laws to reduce the term of office for board members from three to two years. You will hear from some, if not all, of our directors speak about the year just passed, what’s happening today, and what to look for in the year ahead.

A few items to be aware of …

  1. in order to constitute a quorum so we can legally conduct business, a minimum of 80 members must be physically present.
  2. Next, you have seen the biographies of the six current candidates, although the floor is open for any additional write-in candidates to throw in.
  3. The proposed amendment has been circulated, and we have received no comments from the membership about it. Your Board of Directors recommends you vote “Yes” on the amendment. Still, the floor will be open for comments from the membership before the final vote is taken.
  4. Last, when the elections for directors is concluded, and a new Board is seated, they will meet immediately to elect the Board’s officers.
  5. Meanwhile, we are working out the details for offering a social for the members attending. Can’t promise you yet what or where it will be, but you’ll be hearing from us shortly. Stay tuned.


The next upcoming cookout is going to be Saturday, April 6th! We will be serving fried chicken for the main dish. Please sign up on the Den, listing in the comment under your name, the side dish that you are bringing. That way everyone doesn't bring the same side dish. As folks are beginning to make their summer plans and start returning north, we will be going back to just one cookout a month, happening on the 1st Saturday of each month. Hope to see you April 6th.


The TPPCI Nominating Committee has previously announced 6 candidates running for the 2024 Board of Directors: Jim Coffin, John Dibert, Kenny Garvin, Denise Guiffredo, Eddie Jensen and Kevin Mahoney. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at the annual meeting. Bio summaries of each candidate are on bulletin board and under News on the TPPickleball Website. In addition, the bio summaries, as submitted, are shown below.

An Absentee Ballot will be available, with those who have submitted their name to the nominating committee. Ballot and instructions may be obtained by email or calling Carol Bowe Please be sure to put “ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUEST” in the subject line of your email. , if you have not received. Remember, we need at least 80 people to attend the upcoming annual meeting on March 28, 2024, at 10:00am, in the PAC, in order to constitute a quorum. An absentee ballot does not count as being present at meeting. All absentee ballots must be received no later than 5:00pm on March 27, 2024.


Mixed A’s

GOLD Patty Rocheleau and Paul Slay

SILVER Bonnie Schmink and Ray Neier

BRONZE Diane Beaudoin and Rick LaMirand

Mixed B’s

GOLD Eileen Dolan and Doug Geertgens

SILVER Maura Lockwood and Mike Hogan

BRONZE Jo-Anne Bentley and Dave Dwyer

Schedule of Events


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