Pickleball Fix

by Mel Kohlberg

Shut Down

Players, please help with a little end-of-day housekeeping. When you’re the last person at the courts, regardless of the time of day, we need you to do a few things.

Pick up the loose balls and put them in their sleeves; pick up any loose debris; close all gates; turn off the fans; DO NOT TOUCH THE LIGHT SWITCHES. Generally, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday there are events going in the 7-9pm time slots, so they’re pretty well covered. But we need your help on the other days of the week. Thank you for your caring attention to our courts.

Cookout Help

Would you like to become more involved in your pickleball club? Here is a perfect opportunity! We are looking for volunteers for our once-a-month Saturday night cookouts. It is a great time to meet new friends and connect with old friends. You can be involved just once, on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, or even a few times a year. Positions available:

Set up helpers

Clean up helpers

Food servers

Please contact Diane at DIANE BEAUDOIN if you would like to volunteer or have any questions about it. Thanks for helping make your Club great.

Skills and Drills

A reminder that Skills and Drills coached by Deb Howard was added to the schedule as we reported last week via special message. It is offered Sundays, 9-11 AM, courts #1-2. In addition, that clinic will also be offered on Thursdays, 5-7 PM, courts #1-2. Designed for newer players still learning the game, to address developing skills and strategies and practice shot placement. Think post-graduate work after beginner lessons. Limit of 8 players. Sign-up in The Den under “Clinic”.

Schedule Of Events


Side Note

What with the mistakes that have appeared in this communique, the good news is now all of you are carefully reading it, looking for errors. Made you look!!!! Thanks

Also don't have a drinking problem, hydrate


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