Pickleball Fix

by Mel Kohlberg


The next cookout is scheduled for Saturday, September 3rd. Karen Toof is this month's chef, and she will be making her famous Pulled Pork Sandwiches! Join in the fun and enjoy meeting new friends along the way. Cost is $5.00per person, and please bring a side dish to share that serves 6-8 people. You can sign-up on the Den and please list the side dish you plan to bring in the comment section. That way, people can see what people are bringing, and we avoid duplications. We also need some helpers to pull this all together. Please give Karen a call if you can help for this one time commitment.

Club News

Did you know that members can read club news and the complete events calendar by viewing the current and past Friday Fixes on the website, as well as the weekly TPCA Timber Times and the monthly Newsletter? Well, you can!

Help Wanted

The Pickleball Club is working with some Special Olympics Athletes once again. Last year was a big success with some Hernando Athletes competing at the State level. This year, every Tuesday in August through October, from 5-7pm, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS on Courts 3 and 4. We hope that with enough volunteers we can rotate assignments to not interfere with personal commitments. All, and we mean all, levels of Pickleball experience are welcome. Please consider helping. Contact Tom Asbel if you are interested in volunteering to work with our Hernando Special Olympic Athletes Or simply show up at the Courts Tuesday and we will go from there. Thank You for your consideration.

Courts Numbering

You may notice that some of the courts at the PARC have been re-numbered. The courts on the Forest Road side of the shade structures have been changed so that from the road side to the Timber Pines Blvd side, they are consecutive from 1 to 4, 5 to 8, and 9 to 12. That makes Court #1 the practice court with the backboard and overlay. We’re certain you’ll not get lost!

Schedule of Events

Please see the linked Sched.pdf file for the latest schedule of play events.

Upcoming dates of importance include Special Olympics Coaching on Tuesdays; final summer Beginners lesson August 22; next Cookout September 2.

Future Events

Attention members. We are looking for pickleball event/tournament ideas either for daily, weekly or monthly happenings for the fall/winter schedule. If anyone has a specific game, format, event or service that they would like to have implemented please submit your ideas to tppickleballclub@gmail.com, or put a sheet in the mail slot, or talk to a BOD member. It would also be great to have members volunteer and participate in a tournament/scheduling committee to assist in booking and running events. We always welcome volunteers to learn the ropes and the groundwork for putting on events. It is daunting but oh so rewarding.

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