Pickleball Fix

by Mel Kohlberg


…and will be greatly appreciated. As you may know, the Pickleball Club is working with some Special Olympic Athletes once again. Last year was a big success with some Hernando Athletes competing at the State level. This year every Tuesday August through October 31st from 5-7pm, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS on Courts 3 and 4. If you are interested, we would greatly welcome your participation and help. We hope that with enough volunteers we can rotate the weeks you are assigned, so that your personal commitments and times away are still a priority. All, and we mean all, levels of Pickle Ball experience is welcomed. Please consider helping us. Contact Tom Asbel if you are interested in volunteering with our Hernando Special Olympic Athletes, or simply show up at the Courts and we will go from there. Thank You for your consideration.

July Play Stats

Signing up in Den is the best way for the BOD to provide best play! Please follow the fine examples set by the players below, and SIGN-UP EVERY TIME YOU PLAY.

Over 1900 DEN signups were recorded in July 2023. 9am is still the most popular time slot with 699 entries, followed closely by 7am with 643, and 7pm being the third most popular with 324. Congrats for continued use even in the heat of the day

The BOD offered a variety of play opportunities at various times in July with Intro Lessons, Next Paddle up both regular and Beginner, Skinny Singles, Ball Machine, ABCD, and Open Play. By far Open Play was the ultimate choice of Den signups with over 1500 players choosing Open Play every day. Of course, it is also the option most available at all times day and night. Top ten Den signups for July...

Bill Kehoe 36

Eddie Jensen 36

Kendra Warren 35

Karen Lippy 30

Vicki Jensen 29

David Sprake-Jones 28

Don Rooks 28

Deb Howard 27

Lisbeth Graeter Humphrey 27


The next Cookout is Saturday at the Pavilion, 5:30pm. The menu is grilled chicken and grilled pineapple. Marilyn and Charlie will be there with music. Bring a dish to share with 8 or more. Sign-ups were due by Thursday, 5:30PM, but if you’ve signed up and can’t make it, please take yourself out so someone else can try to fill in. Limit 100 people. Fee $5.

Schedule of Events


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