The next cookout is Saturday. Chef Karen Toof is making her famous Pulled Pork Sandwiches! $5 per person, and please bring a side dish to share that serves 6-8 people. We also need some volunteer helpers. Please give Karen a call or email if you can help.
Help Wanted
We are looking for volunteers for Special Olympics Athletes, providing coaching, training and support. Every Tuesday until October, from 5-7pm, on Courts 3 and 4. All levels of Pickleball experience are welcome. Please consider helping. Contact Tom Asbel if you can.
Hurricane Response
We can proudly say that the Club once again leapt into action to assist TPCA ground crews rolling up the windscreens around the courts. We can (and do) do so much for our community, and management – all the way up to GM – greatly appreciates.
Future Events
Attention members. We are looking for pickleball event/tournament ideas either for daily, weekly or monthly happenings. If anyone has a specific game, format, event or service that they would like to have implemented, please submit your ideas to, or put a note in the mail slot, or talk to a BOD member. It would also be great to have members volunteer and participate in a tournament/scheduling committee (see below) to assist in booking and running events. We always welcome volunteers to learn the ropes and the groundwork for putting on events. It is daunting but oh, so rewarding.
Master Schedule
Buckle your seat belts, we have begun working the Fall/Winter play schedule. There will be something for everyone. See above if you want to participate.