Taking care of the courts begins with us, the users. Pease be responsible and pick up all loose balls and return to their tubes; pick up any trash/debris and dispose of; turn off the fans, but leave the lights alone; report any lost and found to a BOD member; report any First Aid supplies issues to a BOD member; continue to drink water or sports drinks – the heat isn’t over yet.
Save the Dates
BIG NEWS!! Check the PARC bulletin board and your emails for a comprehensive listing of ALL future events of the Club for the upcoming season from early October through the end of March. Included are the cookouts (including what will be the main dish), a Tournament/Group Games schedule and Special Events.
Injury/Accident Prevention seminar…The major takeaway —— STRETCH before playing. Warm up your muscles, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, core, hips, knees, achilles, toes. To get you there, please view this video on Pickleball Warmups courtesy of Jim Coffin. Notice it’s from … break out your yellow wristbands!!!!
The next cookout is tomorrow, Oct 7, 5:30pm, featuring Fried Chicken. Also, due to popular demand, the cookouts are expanded to be on the first AND third Saturdays of the month.
Board Meeting
You missed it! Our first BOD meeting since last April. Lots discussed, and some decisions made which will be the subject of a future DEN messages. Minutes of the meeting are posted here, minutes have to be approved by the board before being published.
Schedule of Events
Notice that Special Olympics coaching is ongoing on Tuesdays at 5-7pm, and the next Beginner-Level lesson will be Oct 19. Register on DEN signup sheets.