PickleBall Fix: November20 ,2020
Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. TPPC members and belated wishes to our members in Canada for their Thanksgiving holiday in October. Although Thanksgiving Day gatherings for turkey and the trimmings are more curtailed this year; nonetheless, we still have a lot to be thankful for!
Membership Renewal. Don’t forget to renew your TPPC memberships for 2021. The Club currently has 601 members. Complete your membership renewal forms and put them with your $10 dues in the Pickleball box next to the AED at the Courts. You can also drop them at Cranes – 1375 Crescent Oaks Ct. or Dwyers at 2524 Crystal Lake Dr.
If you are not returning to Timber Pines because of COVID and wish to remain a member, let us know ASAP. Please send an email to tppickleballclub@gmail.com indicating your timeframe and plans to return. Your 2021 dues will be covered by the Club, and you will remain a member and continue to receive communications. If you wish to resign from the TPPC also send an email to let us know.
All members who have not notified the Club and who have not renewed for 2021 will be removed from Den at the end of December. This means they will not be able to sign up for pickleball events on the Den after that time nor receive correspondence from the Club.
December Pickleball Schedule. The December TPPC schedule is on the Den and available for sign-up now. Thanks to Steve Fortin for all his work on the TPPC website and the Den. Note that a few Dec. events have time changes (e.g. Donny’s ABCD). Sign up for your favorite events now. For example, the new Skinny Singles event has 23 players already signed up! Click the PDF link at the bottom of this email to get a copy of the new schedule. View the schedule on the Lodge Bulletin Board or view and/or download a copy located on the TPPC website at http://www.tppickleballclub.org/tppc_scheduled_decembervfinalv5.pdf.
TPPC By-laws Meeting, December 2, 2020. A short TPPC By-laws meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 2, at 3pm at the Lodge Courts. Come a bit early to sign in. A vote will be taken at this meeting to approve the Amended By-laws. Review the By-laws and send any suggested changes to the BOD at tppickleballclub@gmail.com prior to the meeting.
Donny’s popular Social ABCD event begins at 3:30pm following the meeting.
PARC Pickleball Courts Update
Board members toured the new pickleball courts with TP Board members and new manager Kevin Sibbring. Perimeter fencing is being completed, along with fences between courts. Court surfaces will begin once the fencing is finished. The TPPC Board and Yost reviewed equipment needs and compiled a list of such items as bleachers, tables, and bulletin board for the shade areas on the Courts. The ATF was approved at the Wed. TP Board meeting. TPPC members are working on designs and creation of Court Numbering Paddle signs for the new courts. Thanks to all who are helping!
A meeting with TP and TPPC Board members also took place this week to work together to plan a Court Opening Ceremony at the PARC. Watch for more details as the court opening draws near.
Other Items
TPPC T-Shirts. There have been many requests for TPPC T-Shirts. New T-shirts can be ordered now to celebrate the new PB Court opening at $10.00 each with a $2.00 charge if you want your name on the shirt. The shirts will contain a Pickleball Club logo with 2010-2020 Anniversary. There are two ladies styles, one men’s, and lots of colors to choose from. Orders will be taken until December 11; pay when the order is placed. Pam Asbel had the shirts at the renewal table on Wed. afternoon and more than 30 were ordered!
Instructional Clinic. The TPPC announces an Instructional Clinic on January 25, 26 on the new Courts for intermediate and advanced players at a cost of $30. Lucy Kitcher, the instructor, is a 5.5 level player who has won numerous medals, runs tournaments and conducts clinics. Watch for a flyer with more details soon. Attendance will be limited.
Novice Courts 4 and 6. A reminder that Courts 4 and 6 are set aside on certain days/times for Beginners to play. If a group of experienced players is signing up together, please check the designation on Den when you select a court to make sure it is not a court designated for Novice/beginners.
Also, enjoy a free copy of the December issue of Pickleball Magazine at https://view.joomag.com/pickleball-magazine-5-6/0011785001605635988?short&.
Enjoy your holiday, be safe, and don’t eat too much turkey so you can come out and play pickleball!. Marie Knowlton, TPPCP