
PickleBall Fix: November6 ,2020

On Sunday, November 8 the November TPPC Events Calendar is reactivated. Sign up on Den is required to play in any event, and please adhere to social distancing while at the courts or waiting your turn to play. Check out the latest news and information on reinstated events below.

2021 Membership Renewal. RENEW NOW!!

Renewal continues at the Lodge Courts on Mon, Nov 9 (9-11 & 4-6), Wed. Nov 11 (4-6), and Fri Nov 13 (9-11). If you’re coming to the courts to play, renew while you are there and keep our volunteers busy! Membership dues are $10 (cash or check paid to TPPC). Bring a completed 2021 TPPC Annual Dues Membership Form. Forms are available on the Lodge Bulletin Board and the TPPC website at www.tppickleballclub.org. All volunteers will have masks so members please wear a mask and keep a social distance while waiting to renew. Thanks to all volunteers who helped with renewal this week and for those who are working next week!

If you cannot make those times, you can drop off your 2021 renewal forms/dues at the Pickleball box next to the AED machine at the Lodge Courts or at the Dwyer or Crane house drop boxes. You can also mail forms with $10 check or cash to the following addresses at Spring Hill, FL 34606.

Dave Dwyer - 2523 Crystal Lake Dr.

Beverley Crane - 1375 Crescent Oaks Ct.

Restated and New Events – Sign up now on Den

The following events are starting up again on all 6 courts. Try new events and sign up for your favorites now!

Sunday, Nov 8 - 5-7pm, Shootout Round Robin Mixed (NEW)

Monday, Nov 9 - 1-3pm, ABCD. Note the new time. A great fun event for all levels of play.

Tuesday, Nov 10 - 1-4pm Men’s Day

Wednesday, Nov 11 - 3-5pm and 4-6pm, Donny’s ABCD. Two sessions (1 new time)—sign up for 1 time slot

Thursday, Nov 12 - 1-4pm, Ladies’ Day

Friday, Nov 13 - 3-5pm, ABCD Partners (NEW)

The November schedule is attached to this email. Click the PDF link at the bottom and print it out for your refrigerator!

TPPC By-laws Reminder

On October 28 all members received copies of the TPPC Revised By-laws that will be voted on at the December 2 TPPC meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please send your thoughts to the TPPC email address at tppickleballclub@gmail.com as to whether you are for or against the Proposed By-laws. Although the vote needs to be in person according to Roberts Rules of Order, your email responses will ensure that the voice of the membership is heard.


With a Club membership of more than 570 members, players have many different needs and goals: playing pickleball with like skill levels, playing with your friends, meeting new players, increasing your pickleball skills, to name some. With these needs in mind, your BOD has been looking to achieve several goals as play events are created: 1) fun for everyone to play together, 2) play with others at your own skill levels for more competition, 3) provide players no matter what their skill a path to improve their play and to have more fun playing, and 4) meet new people and enjoy each other’s company playing pickleball.

Over the course of several years the TPPC has discussed rating players. This creates a challenge for all players to improve techniques with other Timber Pines members. To achieve these ends, our Club is lucky to have Mike Rocheleau and Tom Asbel, two players who are accomplished at rating players based on skill levels. The ratings will be based on the US Pickleball Association guidelines.

Mike and Tom have agreed to review every club member and assign a rating from 1.0 beginner to 5.0 highest level. Each level gives you, the player, a basic understanding of your skills. It will determine what action you need to practice if you are interested in moving to the next level. You will be given your own individual challenge on how to improve your game.

Here’s how it will work. All club members will be given an initial rating to ensure competitive play for you and others. Members will have the opportunity to have their rating reviewed if they so desire. Rating reviews will be on Wednesday at 11:30am, with a maximum of 4 players each Wednesday. Den sign-up is required.

These ratings can be used for play on designated courts with similar rated players. They will also help with tournament placements and grouping players in some of the competitive events, such as Men’s and Ladies’ ladders and round robins. The Skills Assessment Sheets can be viewed on the TPPC website by clicking http://www.tppickleballclub.org/tppbc_new_xhtml_011.htm.

The weather has cooled and is lovely for playing pickleball. The courts are getting busier with the snowbirds returning so make sure to sign up on Den in advance to get the event you want to play at your favorite time.

See you at the Courts, Marie Knowlton, TPPCP

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