
PickleBallFix:May22 ,2020

We're looking forward to another week of playing pickleball! Thank you to players who have volunteered as monitors on the Courts, checking off names of players and sanitizing balls. Thanks to everyone for arriving on time, keeping to your own courts and leaving following play. One reminder is to wipe down chairs if you sit down so the monitors don't have to do it. Note that the nets are being taken down at the end of play on each day to protect them from the weather. You can help by moving the nets to the end of each court if you are in the last group to play for the day.

A couple of updates early this week to mention:

  • Beginning on May 14, Microsoft started blocking Den access to the following emails (hotmail, live, and msn). Den management is working on the problem with Microsoft. We will be sending out the Friday "Fix" to those members who have these emails via a regular non-Den email. If you don't get a "Fix" on a Friday, always check your Spam/Junk mail.
  • We've received positive responses from members on the changes to the Den Sign-up Sheets used to reserve their date/time space to play on the Courts. It is now much easier to navigate the time slots and also to sign up friends. A possible new change, adding the day of the week to the initial list of dates, will also help as we sign up.

C-19 Task Force Meeting

The COVID-19 Task Force met on Monday, May 18, to review the progress of the Timber Pines Phase 1 reopening of some of the amenities, including Pickleball. The Club had sent a message to the BOD and General Manager for the Task Force meeting. Following the meeting we received an email thanking the entire Club for following the Rules that were put in place. The message also stated: "Since Phase 1 is still in effect the Task Force did not approve any requested changes to the current Rules and will continue as is for now." The C-19 Task Force will meet again on June 1.

PARC Update

Site work construction is now progressing at the PARC. At the BOD meeting, a calendar was presented outlining progress dates for site work construction, building pickleball courts, and the pavilion with a completion date of December 31, 2020.

Comments from Players

Last week we asked for comments from members about the reopening of the pickleball courts. Here are some of the responses from members who have been playing:

From Pam Asbel

  • Missed most: moving my body to a FUN form of exercise.
  • Enjoyed about coming back: Seeing people I haven't seen in 2 LONG months! Getting back out there and for two hours forgetting that this virus is such an uncertain, socially debilitating attack on the whole world!!!
  • Want to give a big shout out to our Board and all members who have jumped in to make our comeback a smooth transition.

From Helen DeGirolamo

Just played this morning for the first time on a gorgeous morning. I am probably on the edge of being paranoid with the virus. That being said, I felt as safe as I think I could. About the same way I felt when I played golf. It still concerns me about being out and I'll probably second guess my decision (as I always do) but then I think that physical and mental aspects outweigh the risks.

From Cyndee and Tom Hamblen

"Tom and I just want to say a big thank you to all the Board members for their hard work getting us up and running. It is obvious that a great deal of time and effort went into getting the protocols and procedures set so that we can get safely back to play."

From Karen LaForme

Some of us don't have regular groups. I would like to see something where we open up slots for an open play, where you find a way to assign groups by ability. Then they stay together. Often it seems like either no one signs up or all 4 friends sign up together. If you don't have a core group, it is hard. [Note: The Club will be pursuing this idea when we are allowed to make schedule changes. For now just sign up; others are looking for players too!]

From Pam Staples

For me it was scary to put my name on sign up fearing no one would sign up with me (lol). I know it's crazy but it is what it is, and that didn't happen but I wonder if others out there feel the same. I have so enjoyed being back and everyone is so supportive and fun. I have to say every day has been a better day after moving, playing and laughing in the AM. It's like my frosted flakes - it makes the day greattttttttt!

We are happy to hear members are enjoying playing pickleball again. We are working hard to make our TPPC pickleball experience good for everyone, and we thank you for your support and kind words. Hopefully, Phase 2 will begin after the next meetings of the Task Force and the BOD in early June. At that time we will be asking for modifications to numbers of players who can be on a court at once and bringing our own chairs to the Courts, to name some requests. In the meantime, let's all have fun playing pickleball with the best Club in Timber Pines!

Be safe as we take all the precautions required. Marie Knowlton, TPPCP

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