PickleBall Fix: May8 ,2020
Hello picklers,
The pickleball courts reopen for limited play on Monday, May 11, when Phase I begins. The TPPC has two-hour time periods from 7am to 8:30pm on M, T, W, F, Sat. On Thurs and Sun, time periods from 8:30-11:30am are scheduled for Tennis and pickleball players cannot play during that time. Pickleball Den sign-up on Thurs and Sun will be from 7:00-8:30am and 11:30am-9pm during the time blocks listed on Den for pickleball players only.
Sign-up instructions www.pickleballden.com
You may sign up now to play starting on Monday as the Den has a schedule listed from May 11 to May 30. When you login to Den, from Favorites, click the Sign-up Sheets link under Timber Pines Pickleball Club. Each 2-hr time slot is listed by date and time. Four (4) players can sign up at each time block with a waiting list in case someone needs to cancel out. You can sign up just yourself or Club friends too. Don't sign up if you are unsure about playing as you may leave the other three players without a fourth player. YOU MUST SIGN UP ON DEN TO PLAY AT ONE OF THE BLOCK TIMES. YOU CANNOT COME UP TO THE COURTS TO WATCH OR PLAY. TP instructions: DO NOT BRING CHAIRS TO THE COURTS.
A monitor during each time block will direct players to Courts and will keep a list of who is playing on each Court to comply with the FL requirement that contact during the event can be traced in case it becomes necessary later.
If you are unsure how to sign up on Den, click the attached PDF at the end of this email for instructions on how to use the Den Sign-up sheet to sign up yourself and/or friends to play pickleball on specific dates in the 2-hour time blocks.
If you haven't already done so, read the PDF attachment you received in your last email on May 4 that lists the TP rules for play. All instructions and Friday "Fix" emails are available on the TPPC website at www.tppickleballclub.org. THESE GUIDELINES MUST ALSO BE ADHERED TO OR WE WILL BE SHUT DOWN.
As we start playing again, it is important to note that the COVID-19 Task Force is concerned that social distancing is maintained and that there is no congregating before, during, or after pickleball play. Arrive on time to play, leave immediately afterward and maintain social distancing during your time at the Courts.
It's up to all of us to make Phase I work. If administration sees that we aren't complying with the guidelines, they can shut us down and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Let's get back to playing pickleball in a safe way and enjoy the game and each other's company again.
We're back!
Marie Knowlton, TPPCP
Cc: Bev Crane, Communications