Although more of our pickleball colleagues have headed north either to their summer homes or to vacation, there are still a good number of players on the Courts regularly. We encourage those of you who have not yet come to play to try mornings and evenings when breezes often offer good play out of the heat of the day.
COVID-19/BOD Meetings
On June 1 the COVID Task Force met followed by the BOD meeting and laid out the rules for pickleball play in Phase 1b that began on June 2. There are no changes in pickleball play from Phase 1. Four (4) courts are available for member play with 4 players to each court in 2-hour blocks of time on M, T, W, F, Sat from 7am – 8:30pm and the same hours on Thurs. and Sun. except between 8:30-11am when tennis players use the Courts.
Sign-up for all play is still required using the TPPC Den computer system. The Den Sign-up Sheets previously available until June 7 have been extended to Sunday, June 21, in case any changes are made in play restrictions following the upcoming June 15 Task Force/BOD meetings.
Monitors are no longer required to check in players so remember players' names on your court; arrive on time and leave as the next players show up to play. Spray is still available in the benches to sanitize balls before/after play. Although it is not required, players are encouraged to spray other items like chairs, tables, gates for the good of all - the virus did not just go away! Thanks to all members who volunteered to act as monitors at the Courts during the last few weeks.
A Shoutout to new players and those needing help with skills
In an attempt to encourage play by relatively new players and those who don’t know many members, we are trying something new. Check the Den Sign-up Sheets for this change.
Starting on June 8 – 21, in each time slot, Courts are now listed as follows:
- 3 courts are listed as COURTS 1,2,3.
- COURT 4 will be titled BEGINNER/NOVICE: COURT 4. This will allow novice players or those wanting to improve their skills to sign up for a court on which they may feel more comfortable.
- If new players would like coaching or mentoring, please contact a BOD member by email or when you sign up add the comment that you would like a mentor.
- Sign up at least the day before you are scheduled to play so mentors can be contacted and/or sign up on Court 4.
- If there are not 4 players on the court, a BOD member will try to find a mentor to play with you.
- If no one has signed up for Court 4 by the day of the event, then any Club member is welcome to sign up to play on that court.
Note: Review the sign-up sheet on Den carefully to make sure you have signed up for Court 4. Some members have already signed up to help mentor. Take advantage of this opportunity!
We also urge our more experienced members and especially those who often help with Club lessons and drills to sign up on the Beginner/Novice - Court 4 to mentor some of our newer players.
PARC Update
Site work continues at the PARC that will house 12 new Pickleball Courts. On the TP website, click https://timberpines.com/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fMember-Central%2fPARC_Construction_Progress That goes directly to PARC photos on the TP website and just log on with your TP user ID/password.
Happy TPPC 10th Anniversary! Let's get together and play pickleball!
Keep safe,
Marie Knowlton, TPPCP