
PickleBallFix:July10 ,2020

Although it's been quite hot this week, a number of players have been at the Courts especially at 9am and 6pm. In fact on Wed evening there were 23 signed up playing on 5 courts! And, we have had six (6) new players sign up for the Club! Remember, new players and those that need some help, sign up on Court 4. Mentors are signing up to assist and instruct on Court 4.

Safety Reminder: A spray bottle of H202 is available in the benches at the Courts to continue to sanitize balls and chairs.

Free Pickleball Magazine Subscription

Perhaps you are not playing pickleball now but still want to keep in touch with the game. Here’s your opportunity. Wayne Dollard, publisher of Pickleball Magazine, is providing e-Pickleball Magazine for FREE. Here’s the link (https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/RRRClV7) to subscribe and you will receive eight (8) online issues/year. The magazine contains instructional articles and videos, equipment reviews, Q/A about rules, news about pickleball and more. Sign up now!

From Tom Asbel, TPPC President Emeritus

A Blurb on Pickleballs

There are many different pickleballs used for both inside and outside play made by a variety of companies. Sometimes this can be confusing as the balls have different characteristics. I’ll be describing some of the differences between indoor and outdoor balls, and how the TPPC has handled buying balls over the years.

--Outdoor pickleballs are a bit heavier and made of plastic that is harder and smoother than indoor balls. They usually have up to 40 smaller drilled holes as opposed to indoor balls that have up to 26 holes. Since these balls are harder, they will crack or go out-of-round after a while. Green, yellow and orange are the most popular/visible outdoor colors. These features allow for increased durability, wind resistance, and bounce. Outdoor balls allow for harder hitting and faster shots although players may have less control so rallies may be shorter. The ball will also bounce higher.

--Indoor pickleballs have 26 holes, fewer and larger than outdoor balls. The balls are also slightly smaller, softer, and lighter, usually last longer, and will not crack. Indoor balls may get soft spots after extended use. These balls allow for more control in the serve although with less power. Balls don’t bounce as high, may be hit a bit softer and because they are easier to control, rallies may be longer than in a hard-hitting outdoor game.

--Bright colors, such as yellow, orange, and a new neon yellow, are easy to see. The best color depends on the color of the inside floor or the color of the surrounding outside background and the lighting.

The most prevalent brands of outdoor pickleballs are TOP, Dura, and Onix. All three of these seamless balls are approved by the USA Pickleball Association for tournament play. By the time I became involved with pickleball, we were using a Juggs ball, a green indoor ball that was very inexpensive ($1) and fairly durable. From there we used a variety of balls, usually with cost in mind...we tried Topps, Dura, PB Central (none were our favorites), and a couple of different types of Onix. For about the last two years, we have used Onix. The initial ball (about a $1+), which we purchased from PB Central, was either yellow or orange. We purchased them on closeout, but the balls actually had a "seam" malfunction and after only a few games they actually split at the seam.

We then went to, at the time, the most popular ball, yellow Onix Fuse ($3.33), a good outdoor ball, with decent durability but almost twice as expensive as any other ball. Then about three (3) months ago we were able to purchase and play with Franklin X40 balls ($2), an up-and-comer on the market for a very reasonable cost. These are the newest and most popular balls on the market…supposedly to overtake Dura at most tournaments. The X40 is a slightly firmer ball, plays a bit quicker and does bounce differently from the Fuse.

Click https://pickleballdrive.com/difference-indoor-and-outdoor - pickleballs/#Outdoor_pickleball_ball_characteristics to read more about the differences between indoor and outdoor pickleballs. I hope this gives players a better understanding as to Club ball purchase choices and what needs to be considered when playing with different pickleballs.

A Pickleball Tip

by Rich Kalich, USAPA Ambassador in NH PPR Certified Coach/Instructor

Here’s something to do at home:

1) Find/define the “Sweet Spot” of your paddle--easy to do by hitting a ball on the surface and listening for the melodic vs. dead sound as you hold the ball in your hand and knock it around the paddle. Of course, the Sweet Spot is normally in the middle, but the paddle knock will tell you how far the sweet spot extends. When we hit the ball on the sweet spot it stands a much better chance of going where we want. Hurray!
1) Bounce/hit the ball on the sweet spot (like many of us did as a kid) Hold your paddle horizontally and bounce the ball vertically. Bounce the ball 1-3 feet high. Strive for 50 times in a row without a miss. When you get to 50, go for Forehand and Backhand. Some coaches say when you can do this 50 to 100 times in a row that it will add a point to your score because you will be more likely to hit the ball in the sweet spot of your paddle!

The new Pickleball Box at the Courts has already been used. Six (6) new members have placed their membership forms and dues in the new box, and they have already begun playing on Court 4 with the help of our mentors. Mentor volunteers, please contact Marie Knowlton to be placed on a “mentor call list.” Welcome to our new members—if you see them at the Courts introduce yourselves and make them feel a part of the best Club in Timber Pines!

Stay healthy and maintain/enhance your pickleball skills during this unusual “Physical/Social Distancing” time. See you at the Courts,

Marie Knowlton, TPPCP

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