
PickleBallFix:July3 ,2020

This week started off with a COVID Task Force meeting on Monday, June 29 with Timber Pines entering Phase 2a. Pickleball still continues with the use of six (6) courts, and the water coolers, cups, and trash cans have now been returned to the Lodge Courts. It's always good to bring your own water to keep hydrated. Continue to sign up on Den sign-up sheets for the day and time of your choice, and contact colleagues to play with you! Remember, new and novice players, sign up for Court 4, and mentors if you see a spot sign up to assist. This past week there’s been regular play on this court.

Pickleball Box

The next time you go to the Lodge Courts take a look at the new Pickleball Box positioned next to the AED machine on the parking lot side. The Club had asked pickleball players Rob and Michelle DelVecchio to create a box to deposit pickleball forms, including new and renewal membership forms, tournament registrations, sign-ups for social occasions and more. Rob, a master craftsman especially in wood working, and Michelle, who designs and creates unique crafts, constructed a beautiful locking wooden box for members to deposit these forms. Rob designed and built the box, and Michelle designed the Pickleball Club label on the box. The TPPC label can also be used as a license plate on a golf cart or car. Thanks to the DelVecchios for their hard work on this project. The Club is lucky to have such talented members volunteer their time. Click the PDF link at the end of this email to see the new box and other pictures.

PARC Update

One member of the PARC pickleball liaison committee, Bonnie Morgan, has been keeping her eye on progress at the PARC. She noted that the excavation appears to be on track with new soil brought in and graded. Storm water pipes, junction boxes, and light poles for the Courts have been delivered and are ready for installation. A Timber Pines Board member indicated that the corners of the pickleball courts will be laid out next week so that concrete footing work can begin.

Fun Pickleball Stories

The following items may be of interest to you as you relax waiting to play pickleball.

"90 and Still Playing Pickleball." Do you want to see how the older set keeps active? With this age group pickleball participation has increased 650%, according to 41 Action News (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3WtuyM0LLM). This video shows a 90-year-old woman playing pickleball who comments that "this popular sport keeps her young!" Many of the younger players on her court are envious of her talent and endurance. Most of us can look forward to playing pickleball for many years to come to keep up with 90-year-old Lois White.The following links give tips on different aspects of pickleball from the serve to strategy to skill improvement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeBMSRiC4Qs and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5ceh - 7DI1Y

New Pickleball Book. Many of us have our own pickleball book(s) that we go to when we have questions. A new pickleball book titled "Pickleball: The Bitchin' Kitchen and Dinks For All," available in paperback and Kindle format has gotten good reviews from players. Primarily for intermediate and beginning players, the book by author Beverly Keil is humorous and cleverly written with pictures to demonstrate points. You may find it a refreshing way to help improve your game.

Pickleball on the Air

Pour your coffee and start your morning off tomorrow Saturday with "Inside Florida Pickleball" from 9 – 9:30am on Spectrum Channel 39, Fox Sports (FSFHD) discussing pickleball in Florida and worldwide. And, if you haven't had enough yet, check out YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBR8UDQtEKk. This weekly show airs every Saturday with player and sponsor interviews, event highlights, medal ceremonies and shines a spotlight on why pickleball has become one of the fastest growing sports in America!

Lots going on with pickleball so keep on picklin' and Happy 4th of July and Happy Canada Day! Marie Knowlton, TPPCP

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