PickleBall Fix: April16 ,2021
The time is fast approaching to say “so long for the summer” to our snowbird pickleball colleagues. To all our snowbirds heading home and others traveling -- have a safe trip. We will miss you all and look forward to having fun next season on the new Courts!
Before you leave, however, we have a SPECIAL TREAT! Many of you have wanted to visit the new courts. The Club has been able to arrange for members to go to the new courts this Sunday, April 18, at 6 to 7:30pm. If you plan to go, park in the street in front of the PARC Pavilion. Carts are better than cars and carpool when possible. This will give you the chance to see the new courts up close and personal.
News of the Week
--We are so glad to welcome Donny Rooks back at the Courts. In fact, after his Tuesday operation, he walked up to the Courts on Thursday!! And, this Wednesday he and Barb were again running Donny’s Wednesday Night Social Event. He’ll soon be playing again.
--Treasurer Dwyer reported a total of 678 TPPC members in his Treasurer’s Report.
--The TP Annual Golf Championship, held on April 13,14,15, had some winners from our Pickleball Club. Steve Wilhelm won 1st place as the TP Club Golf Champion. Michael Thompson and Patrick Murtagh tied for 3rd place. Congratulations to the medal winners--what a versatile group we have!
--Sue Hunter signed the Volunteer Sheet at the Annual Meeting to help members resolve Pickleball Den issues. After training this week, Sue is now our Member IT Support and Steve Hunter will assist her. Members who have Den issues (e.g., not receiving Den email, trouble signing up for events, or becoming a TPPC member) can email tppickleballclub@gmail.com for help and Sue will address the problem.
Pickleball US Open Tournament. Mark your calendar for April 18-24 for the 2021 Minto US Open Pickleball Championships in Naples, FL. If you attend in person, you can watch pro and amateur matches on 59 courts throughout the park for FREE. TPPC members Mike Rocheleau and Paul Slay will be participating in the Tournament. The Pickleball Channel will livestream matches on the championship court all week from April 18-23. Live on Saturday Night April 24 on CBS Sports Network, you can watch PRO Gold medal matches from 7-9pm on http://www.pickleballchannel.com/2021/03/watch-the-2021 - us-open-live/.
The Saturday Dink/Drink pickleball event is at 5pm at the Courts so sign up on the Den. Bring your drink, something to share and your $1 to participate in the raffle.
Hope to see you at the PARC Courts on Sunday!
Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas., Bev Crane, Sec/Comm, Tom Asbel, Cathi Ellingson, Don Rooks