
PickleBall Fix: April 30, 2021

The new May schedule begins tomorrow Saturday, May 1. Please check it closely as there are several event and time changes. Sign up on the Den as usual. The schedule is also posted on the Lodge Courts Bulletin Board and the TPPC website at www.tppickleballclub.org. Print a copy for your refrigerator so you can take advantage of all the events!

May Cookouts. Since all TP amenities are reopening on May 3, the TPPC Club is reestablishing the popular Saturday Night Cookouts, suspended during COVID. The first cookout will take place on Saturday, May 8 at 5:30pm at the Courts. Mark your calendar and watch for more information on the Cookout this coming week.

PARC Update

Good news: Asphalt appeared yesterday at the PARC!!

The Club is hopeful that the 12 new Courts at the PARC will open for play toward the end of May or June 1. A summer schedule for 12 courts will be posted and sent to members as soon as the opening date is firm.

Kentucky Derby Wednesday Night at the Courts

The spirit of the upcoming Kentucky Derby tomorrow, May 1, was celebrated with a Derby theme suggested by member Carol Bowe at Donny’s ABCD Social on Wednesday. With lots of laughs 60 members played pickleball, admired decorated hats, and drank mint juleps (thanks to Carol) and margaritas. Prizes were also presented for the best decorated hats (3pm: Deb Myers, Marilyn Wellons; 5pm: Bev Crane, Marty Bachtler). Another fun night! Check out the pictures on the website at www.tppickleballclub.org.

Competition on the Courts

The competitive events listed below have completed their Winter seasons. These events will continue through May. Congratulations to all winners and thanks to all players who participated in these events this year.

--Men’s and Ladies’ Fall/Winter Leagues. The winners of the Men’s and Ladies’ Fall/Winter Leagues held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are: Men's Day champ: Aart DeVos and Ladies’ Day winner: Pam Asbel.

Note the times for May Leagues are Men’s Day on Tuesday, 7-10am and Ladies’ Day on Thursday, is 1-4pm. Come out and join the fun!

--Skinny Singles Winter Session. Starting in January, Skinny Singles, a new event, has had 57 people on the “LADDER.” Several players placed at the top of the ladder in different weeks. Winners of the Winter Skinny Singles session are Ken Krueger, David Weger and Carolyn Conides. A recognition ceremony will be held at the start of the Fall session!

NOTE: Don Rooks left his Engage paddle with a white face at the Courts. If anyone has seen it at the Courts or turned it in to lost and found, please contact Donny at rooksnhooks3@yahoo.com or 813-546-2664.

Join the fun in May,

Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas., Bev Crane, Sec/Comm., Tom Asbel, Cathi Ellingson, Don Rooks

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