
PickleBall Fix: July 9, 2021

No pickleball for a bit with all of the rain and threat of Elsa. All windscreens on the courts were rolled up early in the week, courts were closed for two days and opened on Thursday. Players were having pickleball panic attacks!

Saturday Cookouts

Approximately 30 members attended the cookout last Saturday with no rain and Gino’s special cabbage rolls! Chef Gino will be making pulled pork as the main dish for this week’s cookout at 5:30p so come on out and bring a dish to share.

Changes to July Schedule

Several changes are listed in the Revised July Schedule posted on the PARC Bulletin Board. It is also on the TPPC website at http://www.tppickleballclub.org/tppc_schedule12courtrev9.pdf

A new event on Sunday night from 7-9pm "Open Play By Skill Level" replaces the Sunday Night Round Robin on Courts 3-12 for the remainder of July. Sign-up sheets for this event are on the Den.

All the Paddle Up events have been changed to different court numbers on Den. Check the courts you are signing up for on Den carefully to select Adv/Int or Nov/Beg:

--Novice/Beg level will be on Courts 3-4 with the paddle holder in front of Court 3.

--Intermediate/Adv level will be on Courts 5-8 with a paddle holder in front of Court 5.

Place your paddles in the holder for the level you are playing. 4 players play. When a game is completed, those players place their paddles after the last paddle in the paddle holder waiting for the next game.

Upcoming Tournaments

On Sunday, July 25, 2021 at 7pm, the Club is introducing a possible monthly Round Robin Tournament with Den sign-up. Watch for more details to follow in a separate email.

Membership Forms

Weather-proof, heavy duty clear boxes will be located under the Pickleball box on the back side of the Bulletin Board in shade area 1. They will contain TPPC membership forms, forms for signing up for special events like tournaments, events sponsored by TPPC outside of Timber Pines (e.g., Jan. Pickleball clinic) and more. Place completed forms in the PB box.

Note: The golf cart parking spaces are narrow so try to stay within the lines so all spaces can be used.

Join the fun playing on the new PARC courts.

Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas., Bev Crane, Sec/Comm., Tom Asbel, Cathi Ellingson, Don Rooks

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