
PickleBall Fix: July 23, 2021

New members are showing up each week with the Club’s total membership at 744 this week.

--More than 40 members enjoyed the fantastic lasagna at last Saturday’s cookout, thanks to our guest chefs Barb Rooks and Bonnie Schmink.

--This week the Club supports the new TP Pizza Shop with pizzas as the main dish for Saturday’s cookout. Bring your side dish to add to the feast and $3 correct change.

--On Sunday evening at 7pm, a Round Robin Partners Tournament will take place at the Courts. Approximately 30 players are signed up. Come on out and watch some pickleball!

BOD Meeting – Court Repairs

This week’s “Fix” provides an update from the TPPC Board Meeting held on Sunday, May 18. One item on a very long agenda covered repairs needed on the PARC courts. Thanks to all who brought forth items of concern and repairs needed on the new courts. The Board prepared a list of items that were then reviewed by Stuart Dienes, Timber Pines facilities, with the following results:

--Broken latch on gate between Court 1 & 2 was fixed.

--Gate between Courts 3 & 4 was lowered so balls cannot go under the gate.

--Gate to enter Court 7 was lifted so it no longer rubs along the interior surface.

--Two loose lower benches on bleachers in front of Court 5 were tightened.

--Paint on Court 5 was touched up.

--Hornets’ nests were sprayed and 3 additional spray cans placed in containers near shade structures.

--30 additional hooks have been ordered to install around the shade structures.

--Water bottle filler dispensing warm water is peeling and has poor drainage and will be replaced within 30 days.

Several other items are in the works:

--Water stains on asphalt under shade structures will be occasionally bleached & power washed. --Drainage/gutters/downspouts around the Pavilion are being studied and reviewed.

The TPPC Board is very pleased with the quick response! Members, please notify any PB BOD member if you see items in need of repair or causing concern.

Court Protocol

Please keep the following in mind when at the Courts:

--No eating or drinking on the courts.

--No chairs or benches on the courts.

--Return balls to ball holders; they will last longer.

--Construction area is off-limits--no parking or walking around the site.

--Parking is scarce. If possible, when playing together, park 2 golf carts in a space.

--BE AWARE that all lights turn off at 9:20pm so as not to get caught in complete darkness by playing after 9. The Board is working on this problem with TP.

August Event Schedule

The Schedule Committee has been working on the August event schedule, and our Den expert Steve Fortin now has the August schedule on the Den ready for sign-up. Detailed changes will be listed in next week’s “Fix.” A paper copy is available on the TPPC website and can be downloaded at


Den Issues

Several Den questions continue to reoccur. Please review the following if you have Den issues.

--If you have been receiving emails and then they stop, send an email to the Club gmail account (tppickleballclub@gmail.com) and NOT to the Pickleball Den Admin.

--In the summer when snowbirds leave, some members do not want to receive communication from the Club until they return. The TPPC website at http://www.tppickleballclub.org/removals_from_the_den_how_to.pdf has instructions showing how to remove yourself temporarily from receiving Club emails. When you return, you can uncheck the setting and begin receiving emails again.

--Super Den Woman Sue will help with Den problems or direct them further if necessary. Respond to the Club gmail and address the email to Sue.

Pickleball Magazine

Need something for a rainy day? Enjoy the complimentary July/August Pickleball Magazine at https://viewer.joomag.com/pickleball-magazine-6-4-wd/0392021001626352238?short&. Read about the National Indoor Pickleball Championship, articles on instruction, and pickleball in other countries, to name some.

Join the fun playing on the new PARC courts and meeting many new colleagues.

Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas., Bev Crane, Sec/Comm., Tom Asbel, Cathi Ellingson, Don Rooks

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