
PickleBall Fix: August 20, 2021

It’s so great to see so many of our newer players filling the courts regularly, playing in the Next Paddle Up events in the morning, and joining the Saturday night cookouts. Despite a heavy rainstorm, last Saturday’s Cookout was an enjoyable evening for approximately 40 attendees who braved the rainy weather. Thanks to Don Rooks for frying up the outstanding fish which he also caught, and Gino for preparing lasagna and sausage & peppers. Thanks also to all who helped by volunteering their time that evening.

COOKOUTS. Although not the last Saturday of the month, this week’s Cookout, Sat. 21st, will be the traditional Potluck. Everyone should bring their own special dish (e.g., main dish, salad, dessert) enough to share with 6-8 people. Come on out!

--Note: Guest Chefs Bonnie Morgan and Rosemary Lewis will be treating us to a Luau-themed main dish at the Cookout on Saturday, August 28th.

It has been suggested to have 1-2 volunteers wipe down tables at the PARC before the cookouts. If you are able to arrive about 15 minutes early, please email to volunteer. It takes a lot of behind the scenes work for the Cookouts to run smoothly, from setting up/taking down tables, collecting the fee, writing name tags, selling raffle tickets and the clean-up. If you attend and are willing to help, please email tppcvolunteers@gmail.com.

PARKING. The parking is tight at the PARC courts. TP has opened 25 additional golf cart spaces in the Wellness Center parking area next to the Pavilion. Additional space for golf carts is also available between the PARC parking lot and the North Gate in the grassy area with entry in the end of the parking lot. Directional signs should be posted soon.

SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE PLANNING. Thanks to those who sent in suggestions for September play events. Most of the input centered around Next Paddle Up. Players like the opportunity to play with various levels and meet new people. The Board completely supports this event and added another court for August (Cts 1,3,4), and more courts can be added as needed. Many of us learned to play using this format and we like it! We look forward to hearing from more of you as the September schedule is planned. Send suggestions to tppickleballclub@gmail.com or place in the Pickleball Box at the PARC. The box is checked every day.

EVENT DESCRIPTIONS. When selecting events to sign up for on the Den, you may find it helpful to review the different Event Descriptions now posted on the PARC Bulletin Board and the TPPC website at http://www.tppickleballclub.org/event_descriptions_1-bev.pdf

TOURNAMENTS. The next Round Robin Tournament is on Sunday, August 29, beginning at 6pm. In the 6-9pm time slot on Den, sign up on either the Beginners or Intermediate/Advanced timesheet. Place your partner’s name in the comments. For questions, contact Steve Fortin at skfortin1637@yahoo.com.

BOARD UPDATE. Representatives from the TPPC attended a meeting of the Timber Pines 40th Anniversary Committee on Wednesday to review plans for the TP 2022 anniversary celebration that will begin the first weekend in February and continue throughout 2022. The Board will be working on pickleball events for the celebration. Ideas for the celebration are welcome (tppickleballclub@gmail.com), and volunteers will be needed for the occasion (tppcvolunteers@gmail.com). Watch for details on events in which the TPPC will participate.

PLAYING IN THE HEAT. In this very hot, humid weather, several players have become overheated while playing and had to sit. During the Paddle Up event on Tues. at 9am, one player suffered heat exhaustion. Luckily, his wife Marilyn is a nurse and handled the emergency with the help of other players contacting 911 and security. He is fine now but definitely overdid his play. To help other players who might suffer similar symptoms, Marilyn created a detailed handout with symptoms and treatment. Click the PDF link below and keep the handout with your pickleball papers. Thanks very much, Marilyn. This will help everyone!

A NOTE OF THANKS FROM DORIS KARNISKY. "I would like to send a heartfelt thanks to all who sent cards and for the kindness and support I received while recuperating from my fall at the Courts. Thanks so much, Doris" The COVID numbers are up again in Florida and Hernando County so play safe and be careful. See you at the Saturday night cookout! PLEASE BRING CORRECT CHANGE!

Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas., Bev Crane, Sec/Comm., Tom Asbel, Director, Don Rooks, Director, Cath Ellingson, Director

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