
PickleBall Fix: August 27, 2021

This week our own Tom Asbel, TPPC Director and former Club President, participated in the Florida Good Life Senior Pickleball Games at Long Center in Clearwater. Tom won the Gold Medal in Men’s Doubles and Silver Medal in Mixed Doubles. Congratulations, Tom—what great wins; you continue to do our Club proud!!


--Umbrellas have been placed at each picnic table in the shade areas of the PARC courts. Tilting them protects from some of the sun. Fans have also been ordered.

--The water fountain by the second shade structure has also been replaced. A button at the top provides water for bottles/cups and the button on the front runs the drinking water. All water is cold!

--The Pickleball Club BOD voted unanimously to donate $500 to the 2021 Timber Pines Holiday Walk. The Club Logo and Club name will appear on the T-shirt that is given to all walkers.

COOKOUTS. Guest Chefs Bonnie Morgan and Rosemary Lewis will be treating members to Luau-themed main dishes (e.g., Kalua pig/cabbage, Luau chicken/rice) at the Cookout this Saturday, August 28. 60 members have signed up. Join the fun--wear a multitude of vibrant colors, classic tropical flamingo shirts, leis or maybe even a grass skirt! Veggies, fruit/pineapple, fruit salad, coconut are good sides. Sounds great--Aloha!

At last week’s cookout, thanks to David Sprake-Jones, who came early to wipe down tables at the PARC and helped with the take-down. Congratulations to the raffle winner Dan Stevens, who won a pickleball sling bag! Note: If you attend and are willing to help, please email tppcvolunteers@gmail.com.

MONDAY LESSONS. Lessons at 9:30am on Monday, August 30 have been postponed until Monday, September 6 at 9:30am. Currently there are no sign-ups for August 30. Sign up for lessons and drills on the Den.

SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE. It’s so great to see so many of our newer players filling the courts regularly, playing in the Next Paddle Up events in the morning, and joining the Saturday night cookouts. Vacationers and some snowbirds are now returning, and the September Schedule is on the Den ready for sign-up. You can view this schedule on the website at http://www.tppickleballclub.org/tppcseptember2021schedulerev2.pdf. Thanks to those who sent in suggestions for September play events.

Send any suggestions to tppickleballclub@gmail.com or place them in the Pickleball Box at the PARC. The box is checked every day.

--Good news: Charlie Siekierzynski, who suffered a heat stroke while playing last week, is doing well now. He sends his thanks for all good wishes from Club members. Remember to stay hydrated while you are playing and rest between games to avoid being overcome by the heat.

EVENT DESCRIPTIONS. Event Descriptions are now posted on the PARC Bulletin Board and the TPPC website at http://www.tppickleballclub.org/event_descriptions082521.pdf. Note there was some confusion this week regarding Next Paddle Up play. The description has been clarified as follows: Players place their paddles in the Paddle Rack(s) using the clip below to identify the next players up. At the end of a game the 2 (winners) stay in and split, and the 2 (losers) go out. If there are a large number waiting to play, at the end of the game all 4 players go out and 4 new players go in. Paddles are placed in the paddle rack after players’ paddles that are waiting.

ROUND ROBIN TOURNAMENT. If you haven’t signed up for the Round Robin Tournament on Sunday, August 29, beginning at 6pm, you still have time. Sign-up closes 12 noon this Sat, the 28th. In the 6-9pm time slot on Den, sign up on either the Beginners or Intermediate/Advanced timesheet. Place your partner’s name in the comments. For questions, contact Steve Fortin at skfortin1637@yahoo.com. If you aren’t playing, come on out and watch!

With COVID numbers up again in Florida and Hernando County, we are still keeping track of play, so please make sure to sign up on Den for all events. Play safe and be careful.

See you at the Saturday night cookout! PLEASE BRING CORRECT CHANGE!

Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas., Bev Crane, Sec/Comm.,

Tom Asbel, Director, Don Rooks, Director, Cath Ellingson, Director

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