
PickleBall Fix: September 10, 2021

The TPPC BOD met on Tuesday to cover a lengthy agenda including discussion of ways to celebrate several exciting occasions: TPPC 10th Anniversary, PARC Courts Grand Opening, and TP 40th Anniversary.

Background. In October, 2020, in anticipation of having an event to celebrate 10 years of pickleball in Timber Pines, the Club created 10th Year Anniversary T-shirts that were sold to members. The TPPC 10th anniversary was to be combined with the Grand Opening of the PARC pickleball courts. With COVID and delays in completing the courts, this celebration has not taken place.

Now with the upcoming TP 40th Anniversary year-long celebration, the TPPC BOD has decided to combine these three special occasions into one all-day event on Saturday, February 26 to be held at the PARC Courts and the Pavilion. Activities will take place all day at the PARC Courts, including special events such as teaching pickleball and a mini-tournament. Food and beverages will be available. Invitations will also be sent to the County Commissioners to participate. Watch for more details in upcoming issues of the Club Fix, and volunteer to help with this event.


Chef Gino outdid himself with his Eggplant Parmesan at this week’s Saturday Cookout. Thanks, Gino, for a great meal and all the work you do for the cookouts. Thanks also to volunteers who set up, washed tables, and cleaned up. Raffle winners of pickleball sling bags were new members of our Club: Gary Vaccaro and Dave Carr-- congratulations and welcome to the Club!

The main dish from Chef Gino this Saturday is fried chicken. Bring your drink and side, (e.g., salad, dessert, or other dish). Sign up on the Den and come on out on Sat. at 5:30pm and enjoy a good meal and the camaraderie with fellow players for your $3 fee and $1 raffle ticket, if desired.

NOTE: Guest Chefs have volunteered through February. If anyone(s) would like to create their favorite dish for a future Saturday Night Cookout, please contact Volunteer Chair, Helen DeGirolamo, with your preferred date and dish.


Tom Asbel, Chair of Tournaments, reports on the first TPPC tournament set for Saturday, October 16 with a rain date Sunday, October 17. Events include Dink Singles and Doubles matches and “short” court Doubles matches. Matches will include Ladies’, Men’s and Mixed competition. Save the date and begin looking for a partner of similar ability. More details will follow on this sponsored event.

Note: Volunteers will also be needed before, during, and after the tournament. Send an email if you are willing to help. These are always fun events and Club members and others come out to watch and cheer on players!


You will note that this Fix has asked for volunteers to help with several of the Club’s upcoming events. If you are willing, please email our Volunteer Committee Chairs Helen DeGirolamo and Cathi Ellingson at tppcvolunteers@gmail.com. Your help is definitely needed and very much appreciated. You will also have fun too and get to meet more members while working together!


Remember to take advantage of the free lessons and drills to improve your pickleball skills and game play. Sign up on the Den for one or more of the following:

--Pickleball lessons for beginning players on Mon. from 9:30-11am, included as part of the Club membership. --Drills/Skills to improve play held on the 1st/3rd Wed (level 1) and 2nd/4th Wed (level 2), both 9:30-11am. --Lesson/Skills sessions for working members on the 1st and 3rd Mon. nights from 7-9pm.

Watch for additional instructional activities.

Carol Bowe would like to thank Tom Howard, who turned in money and a show ticket he found in the pickleball parking lot. People have been wonderful here to retrieve misplaced items and return them….thank you all!!

Play safe and be careful. See you at the Saturday night cookout! PLEASE BRING CORRECT CHANGE!

Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas., Bev Crane, Sec/Comm., Tom Asbel, Director, Don Rooks, Director, Cathi Ellingson, Director

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