PickleBall Fix

Lots happening this past week and more to come! The Masaryk winery social trip will take place on Mon. Oct 25. Those who are going have a great time! Today the Next Paddle Up event at 9am had 41 players signed up—WOW!


Last week’s potluck was attended by more than 40 players. Chef Gino provided sandwiches with members bringing some of their favorite dishes. Good to see you all there—lots of fun. Thanks to those who volunteered to come a bit early to help prepare, some who collected money and others who stayed a few minutes afterwards to tear down and clean up. If you attend and are willing to help, email tppcvolunteers@gmail.com and please indicate what event you are volunteering to help with. Thanks in advance. Great fun!

The main dish for this Saturday’s cookout will be pizza. Please sign up no later than Thursday so appropriate amounts are available. Attendees bring your own side dish to share. More than 35 have signed up!


The Fun Tournament on Sunday was attended by approximately 50 players. All events were played on a smaller court, and players could sign up for more than one of the 6 sessions. Coordinator, Tom Asbel, awarded 9 medals to the winners of the first session of 48 players. With so many events being played at the same time with different partners, a bit of confusion ensued. The issue of wait time for some events will be addressed in future tournaments. Thanks to all players for the suggestions and improvements that will be helpful in future tournaments. This was the first tournament on 12 courts after a 2-year hiatus. Despite this glitch, most players had a good time playing in this new format on the new courts.


A number of players have been practicing with the new ball machine this past week with the help of several members. On Thursday morning the ball machine was demonstrated to a great deal of interest from members watching who had lots of questions such as if they could get help using the ball machine with specific skills like their serve or backhand. Instructions will be posted at the courts. On the November calendar, the ball machine will have a designated time on at least 3 days a week. Court 1 will have event times in 1 hour increments from 7am to 1pm for Den sign-up with mentors available to help.


The 2022 TPPC Club membership renewal ($10) starts on Mon., November 1 at the Lodge from 10-12noon and will continue on Mon. and Wed. throughout November, excluding Thanksgiving week. 2022 membership forms will also be available at the PARC Bulletin Board. All current and new members must complete a 2022 form accompanied with $10 dues and place in the PB box or stop by the Lodge starting in Nov. New members must complete the entire form. Those renewing, can just enter the date, cash/check number, their name and any new information (e.g., new email or phone number). Make sure to put your unique email on the form in order to be able to sign up for events on the Den. There will be 2 sometimes 3 volunteers, for each shift at the Lodge. T-shirts will also be sold from 10-12. Stop by and make your selection.

Thanks to those who have volunteered to work at the Lodge renewal tables. A few more members are needed so if you have some time, contact the Volunteer Committee at tppickleballclub@gmail.com with name/date and time you are available and either Helen or Cathi will contact you.

More of our members are returning and the courts are filling up fast. Remember to park golf carts in the 25 spaces next to the Pavilion or in the grassy drainage area at the north end of the courts. Save the parking lot spaces for those who must bring cars!

Play safe and be careful. See you at the Saturday night cookout! PLEASE BRING CORRECT CHANGE!

Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas., Bev Crane, Sec/Comm., Tom Asbel, Director, Don Rooks, Director, Cathi Ellingson, Director

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