PickleBall Fix: January29 ,2021
This was an exciting week beginning on Monday with the Lucy Kitcher Clinic, attended by 48 Club members. The weather cooperated and Lucy and her assistant Abbie began the morning at 9am with a 3-hour session for Intermediate players, followed by a lunch break and a 3-hour Advanced session at 2pm. Players worked hard and enjoyed their training. Besides learning and enjoying their play, the most frequent comment from attendees was how tired they were at the end of the sessions!
Our photographer Dave Harris has been busy taking photos of events. Check the TPPC website (www.tppickleballclub.org) to see the latest photos of the January 11 Den shootout and watch for Clinic photos coming soon.
February Schedule
The February schedule is posted on the Lodge Courts Bulletin Board and also on the TPPC website at http://www.tppickleballclub.org/tppc_schedule_februaryfinalv3.pdf. Note that more hours have been added to Pickleball Den from Jonas, including all morning hours on all courts on Sun, Wed, Fri, and Sat and additional time on Thurs morning. Click the PDF link at the bottom of this email to download a copy of the new February schedule.
Remember all players must sign up on the Den under Pickleball Den for events: Sign up > View Sign-up Sheets > Select Sign-up Date. Choose the Day/Date/Event from the dropdown menu and click the box by the event you want to sign up for. If you need to cancel an event, click the same box to remove your name so others may sign up.
Social Play: Saturday Night Dinking Event
Join social play on Saturday night and have fun playing pickleball beginning at 5pm. Bring your drink and a snack to share with your colleagues. New: Added to the Social will be a raffle every Saturday night. Bring $1 to participate for some cool prizes.
Lucy Kitcher Follow-up
The Board would like to thank everyone for helping to make the Lucy Clinic such a tremendous success. Clinics and tournaments require the hard work and dedication of many working together for the benefit of all Club members.
Thank you to:
--Barb L for the bottom up creation of the event. You prepared every step for us to follow to make it a great day with weeks of managing the details and keeping us on track.
--Pam A for printing all the names on the paddle tags and helping with lunch
--Bev and Dave for processing the applications and funds for Barb
--Dave, Mark H for set up for the clinic
--Helen, Pam, Barb and Bev for managing the registration table
--Deb H and Bev for your work with Barb L creating forms and making decisions
--Donnie for bringing the water, ice and coolers
--Barb R for the Timber Pines monograms on the mugs and Koozies
--Larry P for creating the name tags
--Tom A for introducing Lucy and assistant Abbie
--Deb H for the invocation and preparing the noontime lunch
--Steve F for setting up the special Den feature
--Marie for coordinating with TP to reserve all courts and coordinating with Barb
The success of TPPC events depends on the help from our dedicated Club members who volunteer whenever they are needed. The Kitcher Clinic is just one example. Helen DeGirolamo and Cathi Ellingson are co-chairs of the Club Volunteer Committee and may be contacting members to help out with future events. With COVID the Club has been unable to have some of the usual events such as tournaments, Saturday night cookouts, dinners and more. The new courts will be opening soon, and we will be asking for volunteers to help with a number of events the Club is planning. Watch for a notice in a future “Fix” and a request from the Chairs.
Just a reminder too: Think about being a Board member. The new TPPC By-laws state that seven (7) Club members will be elected to the Board at the annual meeting in March.
The Courts are quite busy these days. For example, based on Den statistics, there were 4032 sign-ups for pickleball events in the available time slots from Dec 1 through Jan 23. That’s about 75 plays per day!
So, continue to sign up on Den and have fun playing pickleball,
Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas, Bev Crane, Sec/Communications