
PickleBall Fix: February5 ,2021

Despite a cold start to this week, on Monday, Feb 1 there were more than 30 players signed up for ABCD at 1pm. The courts are filling up with more players returning and new players joining so sign up now to get into the event(s) of your choice.

Election of the TPPC Board of Directors

The new TPPC By-laws, adopted by the membership on December 2, 2020, state that seven (7) Club members will be elected to the Board for different term lengths: 3 for 3-yr terms, 2 for 2 yrs, 2 for 1 yr. The election will take place at the TPPC annual meeting on March 31. So think about being a Board member and the length of time you might want to serve. A Den email from the Nominations Committee will be sent out tomorrow to provide more information on the procedure.

February Schedule

The February schedule is available on the TPPC website at http://www.tppickleballclub.org/tppc_schedule_februaryfinalv3.pdf, posted on the Lodge Bulletin Board, and attached as a PDF at the end of this “Fix.” Download and post it so you know when you are playing.

All February events are on the Den ready for sign-up. To keep track of events you have signed up for, click FIND ME at the top of the Sign-up Sheets page to see a list of all your events.

Note: If you sign up for an event and can’t play, PLEASE click the box next to the event which will remove your name and allow another player to take your spot.

February Events

Check the schedule for popular events that fill up fast, new events to play with a variety of players, instruction, and extended morning play time.

--Donny’s Wed. ABCD Social Night Sessions with new start times: Early (3-5p) and Late (5-7pm). Both events fill up fast.

--Another ABCD on Sunday added 11-1p; ABCD also on Monday at 1p.

--Lessons on M, F 11:30-1p; and two (2) levels of drills with limited numbers on Wed, 9:30-1am. --Men’s Day (Tues 1p) and Ladies’ Day (Th, 1p).

--Round Robin (Sun 4p) and ABCD Partners (Fri, 4p)- 29 players signed up today.

--Next Paddle-Up Events (unlimited players). (M,W,F, 11-1p). Wed had 20 sign-ups.

-- Court 4 designated for the many new players. If you would like some help, note Mentor in the comment box under your name when you sign up on Den.

Social Play: Saturday Night Dinking Event. The first $1 raffle was held Sat. Jan. 30th. And, the lucky winner of the drawing for the Tampa Bay Bucs Basket created by Pam Asbel was “Bev Crane.” Lots of goodies included a Bucs visor, 2 serving trays, Bucs rain poncho, puzzle, and much more! Join the fun playing pickleball tomorrow at 5p, bring your snack/drink to share and get your $1 raffle ticket for the chance at another great prize.

Coach’s Corner

Scoring especially for new players can be a confusing part of the game. This week’s tip in Coach’s Corner gives some pointers on how to keep the score straight. Check “Helping to Keep the Score Straight” at the TPPC website at http://www.tppickleballclub.org/keeping_score.pdf.

The January 2021 complimentary copy of Pickleball Magazine is now available (https://outlook.live.com/mail/deeplink?version=20210118002.07&popoutv2=1). Read some instructional articles including “Advanced Dinking Techniques” and “Moving at the Non-Volley Line.”

Let’s play safe pickleball, signing up on Den for tracking, keeping social distance, and wearing masks when necessary.

See you at the Courts!

Marie Knowlton, TPPCP, Deb Howard, VP, Dave Dwyer, Treas., Bev Crane, Sec/Communications

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